(The following article was written by my friend and colleague, a Dedicated Practitioner of Dolores Cannon’s method who practices QHHT in Seattle. His name is Bobby Arant. Thank you Bobby, and thank your client, for allowing us to share your wonderful story about “The Great Library.”)

Back in July of 2013, I participated in Dolores Cannon’s online QHHT course.  The course is offered locally as well as online and I’ve found them both to be equally effective and anyone can master these skills.

Dolores developed her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy method through many decades of active practice.  A QHHT session affords the client the ability to reach deep levels of trance through which past life regression can take place as well as the ability to speak with the person’s Subconscious.  The main purpose of all of this is to reach a state of mind whereby long wondered about questions can be answered as well as physical and emotional healing to be facilitated.

I recently had a client come to me for a session and a very interesting thing took place in the session.  She visited what I’ll call The Library where all the records are stored.  This is a place where souls learn and study especially when planning for future lifetimes.

She has granted me permission to post this part of her session.  It picks up where we were trying to wrap up a past life that she was exploring.  Before we finalized things in the past life, she spontaneously jumped to a completely different scene.  As I was following along with her trying to obtain information on this new lifetime/location, I soon realized she was no longer bound in a physical body but had gone to a very special place on the Astral plane.

Client: I keep seeing the edge of a book and I don’t know why

Bobby: Where is the book?

Client: In front of me

Bobby: A large book or a small one?

Client: A large one

Bobby: Is it a book that you actually use or is it just being shown to you?

Client: I think I use it?

Bobby: So it feels familiar to you?

Client: Uh-huh

Bobby: What does it feel like you use the book for?

Client: To learn but I don’t know about what

Bobby: So you use it to study?

Client: Yeah

Bobby: Does it have anything to do with that debt or is it totally different?

Client: I think it’s different

Bobby: Where are you seeing the book? What sort of location is it in?

Client: In like a library

Bobby: So you study from this. The area that the book is in feels familiar to you then?

Client: Yeah

Bobby: What else can you see in that room?

Client: Tables, more books…


Bobby: Any other people that come to that same room to study like you?

Client: Mhmmm, there’s other people around

Bobby: Are they like you or are they different?

Client: They’re like me

Bobby: Do you have any idea what it is about this book that you find interesting?

Client: It talks about God. It’s like a spiritual book.

Bobby: I know you said it was in a room that looked like a library, does the library belong to any particular thing? Is it part of something else?

Client: I don’t know

Bobby: Do you have any idea about who might run it or administer it?

Client: No

Bobby: Do you get a feel, even if you don’t know who does it, about how many takes care of that library?

Client: I feel like everyone contributes

Bobby: Oh, ok, so it’s communal?

Client: Yeah. There is a great deal of knowledge there.

Bobby: Where did that knowledge come from?

Client: Everyone’s experiences

Bobby: And they just document it?

Client: Mhmmm…

Bobby: And you were there learning more about God. That’s the book you were looking at. Is that correct?

Client: Mhmmm….

Bobby: Is that ok to be doing? Does anyone have any issues with you doing that?

Client: No

Bobby: The people that come there, is it just the males or males and females?

Client: Both

Bobby: So does your wife also come there?

Client: I don’t…. I’m not that same person

Bobby: Ok, so you feel like you might be different, like you may be looking at a different scene?

Client: Mhmmm…

Bobby: Ok, so this scene that we’re looking at, with the book that you’re observing, does that feel like that’s what you do, with your time?

Client: For now, yeah, just learning and studying. It (the library) goes up quite a ways, like a multi-story room but it’s circular. And on the walls are all of the books, knowledge and texts and you can look at any of it. Everyone’s in like white robes. I see different people around. And there’s something in the middle. Something like a beam of light reaching all the way to the top but I can’t see the top

[OK, it was here that I realized we weren’t in Kansas anymore]

Bobby: It goes up quite a ways?

Client: Mhmmm…

Bobby: I know you mentioned that one book. Is that what you primarily focus on or are you able to look at other books?

Client: I can look at other books

Bobby: Have you been coming there for a while?

Client: Mhmmm… I don’t know how I got there.

Bobby: What is it that you feel like you’re there to do?

Client: Learn

Bobby: Any particular thing?

Client: I don’t know… everything. I like it a lot. It’s peaceful and quiet. There’s an “energy” about it.

Bobby: Do you feel like you’ve been coming there for a while?

Client: Yeah

Bobby: Does anybody help you with the books that you look at or do you just help yourself?

Client: There’s workers there but usually I just help myself

Bobby: … in whatever it is you’re interested in looking at then?

Client: Mhmmm…

Bobby: Are there any limits as far as what you can look at?

Client: No…

Bobby: I know you mentioned that there are levels to the library. Are books arranged a certain way so that there are certain books on certain levels?

Client: Yeah

Bobby: Can you describe that for me?

Client: By topic. Like one level would be about science. Another level would be about math. You can go to each level and choose what you want to learn about. I like to learn about all of them. I choose days or weeks where I learn about one thing and then I go on to the next thing.

Bobby: Do you know how you found out about this place? Did someone bring you here or introduce you?

Client: I don’t know. I can’t remember.

Bobby: The way you described the way the people are dressed, is that everybody there?

Client: It’s like long white dresses, or loose fitting and yeah most everyone is wearing those. There are different people around having like discussions or reading by themselves or walking around.

Bobby: Are you able to interact with any of them or do you just stay to yourself?

Client: I can if I want to. I can talk to people like they’re in human form.

Bobby: So are you happy being here?

Client: Yeah

Bobby: Are any of these books…do they involve history?

Client: Some… yeah

Bobby: Are you able to look in any of the books and see things that happened before you arrived here as far as your own self, your own life?

Client: Oh, I don’t know. Yeah, I have a history.

Bobby: So there’s a book for that?

Client: Yeah

Bobby: Are you able to find that book?

Client: Mhmmm… It’s red.

Bobby: What does the red signify?

Client: I don’t know

Bobby: But you just know that it’s a red color?

Client: Yeah.

Bobby: If you were to open it up, what sort of things would you see in it?

Client: Lessons that I had learned

Bobby: A few minutes ago, you were telling me about a time where you were in a cave and being punished for not paying a debt, is there anything is this book about that time that would help us understand that more?

Client: Let me see… I don’t know where it is.

Bobby: You mean in this book or in another book?

Client: Yeah, this book

Bobby: Are any of the helpers there able to help you with that?

Client: Let me ask… I’m talking to the older lady but I still don’t know.

Bobby: What sort of things is she telling you?

Client: I don’t know

Bobby: What does her position here feel like to you?

Client: She’s a worker

Bobby: Do they always have that job or do they change occasionally?

Client: I don’t know

Bobby: As long as you’ve been coming there is it the same group?

Client: Yeah…

Bobby: So we were looking through that red book… does that have all of your experiences in it or just a few?

Client: Just the ones up until now

Bobby: Is it a big book or a small book?

Client: Bigger

Bobby: Does it look new or old?

Client: Old… I’m having a hard time focusing on it [experiencing a headache]

Bobby: As far as its location in the library, do you have any idea about what level you found it on? Is it near the bottom or near the top or…?

Client: Somewhere in the middle

Bobby: So it’s more history

Client: Yeah, mhmmm. I feel an attachment to the book but I feel like I can’t look inside of it and get anything

Bobby: Do you know if it’s because you’re not allowed or you don’t know how to see what’s in it?

Client: I don’t know how or I can’t read it

Bobby: I don’t know if you still have contact with the older lady but is she able to do that for you?

Client: She’s telling me, no

Bobby: Is it because she can’t do it herself or is she not allowed?

Client: Not allowed

Bobby: Is there a reason? What would happen is she saw what was in it?

Client: I don’t know. She’s trying to explain it to me and I don’t understand. She says it’s not time yet

Bobby: Do you think it’s just about the past? I know you said it shows up until now or does it also show the future?

Client: Maybe it does. I don’t know. I’m not allowed I guess to see what’s inside of it. I know it’s about me and I know that I’m connected to it. It’s red and like leathery, leather bound and it’s a larger book area wise like the size of the old atlases but I’m not allowed to see it.

Bobby: Well the lady that you were speaking with… is she someone that I could speak with through you?

Client: I can try. I don’t know. I can ask her

Bobby: I just have a few questions if she would

Client: Yeah, she says yes

Bobby: Ok, well, we were curious about this red book. We weren’t actually able to look in it and see anything about the past and I was just curious, is there a reason for that? [There was a short amount of time here in silence so I asked a different question] Maybe even a question along the lines of, the people that come here, what are they coming here for, specifically?

Client: To get knowledge before their next life

Bobby: Ok so they’re studying to plan another lifetime then

Client: Yes

Bobby: And that would be the reason my [Client] is there now? She’s getting ready for another lifetime?

Client: Yes

Bobby: Is that the only place one would go prior to going into another lifetime?

Client: It’s the most important place

Bobby: What does one do there to plan for the next lifetime?

Client: Learn and study and learn about where they’re going to go

Bobby: Become familiar with it?

Client: Yeah

Bobby: It sounds like there would be a lot of people in this place

Client: Mhmmm… It’s very big

Bobby: I remember you said there was a light in the middle that goes all the way to the top… is there anything else about the light that you could describe for me?

Client: Uh, it’s got energies moving inside of it. It’s like a big pillar. If you were to see it from the ground, it emanates light from it and lights up the whole library

Bobby: What sort of color does it have?

Client: It’s like an amberish, light yellow, light orange.

Bobby: Can you tell where the light comes from?

Client: It comes from the floor but I don’t know where… maybe it comes from this planet? It shoots up all the way to the top so no matter what floor you’re on, since all the floors are around it, you can see the light or a section of it from every floor. And if you’re on the ground you can see it reach up to the sky but you can’t see the top.

Bobby: Is it something that you can reach out and touch?

Client: Yeah… it’s warm

Bobby: I take that this is something that is always “on” then and never turns “off”?

Client: Yes

Bobby: Do you feel like there is anything else that we can learn from this location while we’re here?

Client: I wish I could read the book. I keep thinking about it.

Bobby: Sounds like you can look at it but you can’t really make out…

Client: Yeah, I can’t get any understanding from it.

Bobby: And it may just not be time yet for that

Client: I like it here though. It’s peaceful

Bobby: Do you feel like you’re going to be here awhile longer or do you think your time is about done here?

Client: I don’t know

Bobby: Is that a question you could ask the lady you were speaking with?

Client: I’ll try

Bobby: Maybe get an idea how long it will be before your next lifetime

Client: She says it’s soon

There are many reasons one would want to come and have their own QHHT session.  Sometimes, it’s simply about getting those long sought after questions answered such as:
 Who are you?  What is the purpose of your life?  Why are some things so effortless and other things so difficult?  Are you searching for something that seems to elude you?  Do you have flashes of memories you can’t place and feelings of déjà vu?  Other times, there are very specific physical or emotional issues that need to be addressed.  Answers can be provided for these issues as well as healing.

I would love to conduct a QHHT session for you if you are in the Seattle area.  Feel free to set up an Appointment with me to determine just how a session could benefit you or address any questions that you may have.

Copyright © Bobby Arant. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, including all links found below.
Bobby Arant’s QHHT website:  http://www.PastLivesRemembered.com
Dolores Cannon’s website: http://www.dolorescannon.com/ Dolores developed the process of QHHT.

Illustration courtesy: Paul / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Posted on by newearthjourney | 1 Comment

QHHT Case Study: Scarred Lungs and Asthma – Healed

A lovely woman contacted me for a QHHT session and described the reason she wanted to have this experience in this way: “I am a healer, and I believe, a good one. I have helped many of my clients have a healthier and happier life. I cannot seem to heal myself, however. I want to find out the reason and hopefully learn how to do so.”

“Lisa” (not her real name) arrived at my office in a lovely flourish of colorful scarves and clothing and crystal jewelry. She had an air of peace about her and truly exuded a vibration of love. I anticipated a great session and was not disappointed.

Lisa was in her mid 60’s. She was a practicing reiki and crystal healer in a large metropolitan city. She had a busy practice and happy and satisfied clients. She had many friends and her life was happy, content and satisfied save for her own physical condition.

She was the first child in her family and had been born severely prematurely at a time when our medical profession was not as adept at saving these tiny babies as they are today. She told me she was born at 28 weeks gestation and weighed only about 1.5 pounds. Her mother also was traumatized during birth. Lisa’s doctor and family did not expect the baby to survive and the family completely focused on her mother during this time thinking there would be no living baby.

As an infant Lisa had a lot of trouble breathing. Obviously, she survived, but was a sickly baby and caught every illness that came around. Her lungs were scarred and she had severe asthma her entire life. Reasons for why Lisa was so sickly as an infant are unknown. However, expectant mothers are advised to quit smoking whilst pregnant to avoid increasing the chances of the child developing health problems early on. With this in mind, the smokeless products found here might be useful. She was taking various medications and had inhalers and they just weren’t working at all any more. To add to the complications, she lived in a city known for its dirty air and she had an issue with cockroaches in her flat! All she needs to do was get in touch with professionals like an Olathe pest control company for example and they would have got rid of this problem. This is something she should have considered, especially as someone living with Asthma and other health issues.

Through a raspy voice and labored breathing, Lisa told me she was a regular meditator and often communicated with angels and the unseen realms. She easily went into a very deep trance. The healing angels escorted her to view a life in Atlantis where she was also a healer. She was able to describe her healing practice at that time in quite wonderful detail. She used crystals then too, but in different ways. She had a large room constructed around a enormous crystal and there were ceremonies and colors used in healing physical and emotional issues of people in her community.

During the portion of the session where we talk to the High Self, I asked why we were shown the Atlantean life. The High Self explained that she had experienced many many incarnations as a healer and she was continuing that experience in her current life.

I asked the High Self why Lisa was born so early and why she had the breathing challenges. It answered in this way: “The scarred lungs and limited breathing were a planned event that acted something like ‘speed brakes’ in Lisa’s life. She is a powerful healer. If she would have had all of her energy, all of her capabilities in place during the 1960’s and 70’s, she would have had difficulty being accepted for her talents in her family and her culture at that time. The asthma and diminished lung capacity slowed her down so that she would progress gradually and have smaller healing achievements and discoveries over time than if she was completely healthy.”

I then said, “Well times are certainly different now and we as a society are more accepting of this type of healing.” The High Self replied, “True.” I then asked, “Does she need to have the ‘speed brakes’, the lung condition now?” The High Self said, “No, it is no longer necessary, it has achieved its intended purpose.” I then asked if healing of her lungs could be granted immediately. The High Self said, “Yes!”

I watched as wave after wave of energy washed over and through Lisa and I could see her body undulating. It was truly grand and wonderful to behold. When healing of this magnitude happens in a QHHT session I also definitely feel the energy myself. It’s rather lovely and definitely beneficial to me personally. Not only because of the gratitude I feel for being able to facilitate healing for the client, but because I believe I actually often receive some of the energetic healing for my own body as a result.

After some time the High Self declared the healing complete. I asked about Lisa’s medications. “They are no longer necessary. However, for her doctor’s and her own conscious peace of mind, she should slowly wean off of them. We will mitigate any unnecessary side effects to her physical form from them.”

I counted her out of trance and I don’t think I will ever forget what happened next. Lisa’s eyes flew open and she sat bolt upright. She tossed off the covers she had over her body and leapt out of bed. She started jumping around the room like a human pogo stick sucking in deep breaths of air. “Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god!” She said over and over again. “Listen! Listen to me BREATHE!!” She was whooshing air in and out of her lungs at such a rate I really thought she might hyperventilate, but she didn’t. She just kept breathing deeply with no rasp, and jumping up and down.

At one point she stopped and practically shouted, “My KNEES don’t hurt!”

“Your knees?” I asked, “You never said a thing about your knees!”


Image courtesy of arztsamui / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Lisa said, “Well, it’s because in the scheme of things my knee pain didn’t really seem to matter. I have, well… I HAD arthritis in my knees.” She started jumping up and down again and doing deep knee bends. How was this even possible? Had she taken the beste CBD olie (best CBD oil) that she could find to prevent her arthritis from causing her pain? Was it a miracle? Either way, she was moving like she had never even had arthritis in her knees before. And now they don’t hurt. At all. Nothing hurts. Nothing hurts. And I can breathe. I can breathe. Oh my god I can BREATHE!”

In the debrief Lisa described the vision of angels surrounding her and the presence of the Christ Consciousness standing behind them. Her eyes sparkled as she described the beings who assisted in her healing.

Are all QHHT sessions this dramatic? No. Do all of them result in immediate undeniable healing? Again, no. But it happens often enough to make this work extraordinary and wonderful and worth a few hours investment to give it a try. Many sessions provide similar dramatic healing but over time. Meaning, the healing was and is done and complete on the “etheric level” during the session but will take some time to manifest on the physical level.

I have often asked the High Self why this is so. Some of the reasons for immediate healing are full and total forgiveness, of self and others; readiness to make a change and the vibratory state to allow it to occur; lessons fully learned. Some of the reasons for a delay in healing are that the person, their doctor, or their family’s belief system require a slower improvement to be accepted as real, or changes still need to be made in terms of lifestyle or forgiveness or understanding.

Lisa contacted me several weeks after her session. Her healing remained manifest and she was taking only small remnants of the medications she had been prior to the appointment and planning on stopping them altogether in time. “It’s like beginning life all over again,” She told me. “Having the sweet pleasure of deep easy breathing is such a blessing, and it helps me remain energized to help others in my work. Thank you for the work you and Dolores and the others who practice her method do. It’s truly a gift from God himself.”

-For more information about QHHT and Dolores Cannon’s body of work, see DoloresCannon.com

-For information about Candace and her QHHT practice see newearthjourney.com

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright 2014 Candace Craw-Goldman. newearthjourney.com

Posted in angels, Christ Consciousness, Energy Healing, Health, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Regression | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Batter Up! Lou Gehrig Returns to the Plate in 2014?

Here is an out-of-this-world story for baseball fans young and old:

What would you say to the notion of the reincarnated Lou Gehrig returning to life on planet Earth? Preposterous? Or simply the circle of life as accepted by many Eastern cultures? The concept of reincarnation is being considered more seriously in the West these days, especially in metaphysical circles. Even popular culture has shown an interest with television shows such as the new reality show “Ghost Inside My Child.” If you haven’t heard of that program you can read more about it in this Huffington Post Article

The following story was written by Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner, Jeroen de Wit of Los Angeles, CA.  In a hypnotic regression using a method pioneered by Dolores Cannon, Jeroen facilitated the past life regression for the mother of the child who was claiming to remember life as Lou. Turns out, she was his mother in that lifetime, too. Some fascinating details of the Gehrig family are discovered during the hypnotic exploration.

I recently had a client whom I’ll call Cindy. She came to me wanting to do a QHHT session to understand her toddler son better: He had been talking to her about his last lifetime when he was a tall baseball player named Lou Gehrig. The son started playing baseball in this lifetime as soon as he could hold a bat and apparently exhibited specific traits in his movements when hitting, that were similar to Lou Gehrig’s movements.
 Cindy had no frame of reference for her son’s stories, as she hadn’t given much thought to past lives. This also wasn’t part of her upbringing and religious background, so when she started researching the things her son was telling her and finding out that the details he provided matched the recorded history of Lou Gehrig’s life she realized there was something more at play than could be explained by a vivid imagination.

 Her son had told her that she was his mom in his past life as well.

During our session under trance she started verbally describing a working class neighborhood with old timer cars and the image developed allowing her to describe her body, home and family in great detail. It became clear she was describing a suburban type neighborhood on the East coast of the United States, in what appeared to be the beginning of the 20th century. When she was describing her family, I asked her if she expresses affection to her son, and to tell me what she calls him when she hugs him, like a nickname. She started saying something that sounded German: “Meine…”, which means ‘My’. She said her son’s name is Luke or Lou, her name is Christina, and her husband’s name is Heinrich. They spoke German at home.


When we moved forward to an important day in her past life, she found herself walking across a grass parking lot towards the Yankee stadium with her husband and they were both dressed up. It was the day Lou first started playing for the Yankees. She described her dress, how it was finer cotton than the one she had worn at home, and that she was wearing a hat and fancier shoes than the boot-like shoes she wore at home while doing her housework. She described the feelings a parent would have going to see her son play baseball with the Yankees for the first time and added that she would have liked to see him finish school. “They came and took him, when they saw him play,” referring to the baseball scouts that came to his school in search of young baseball talent.
 I asked her if they had any snacks during the game, and she described hot nuts, like chestnuts, and when asked if she had anything to drink she answered “Cola.” (Not the ‘coke’, a person of this day and age would respond with.) After the game they went to go eat and drink beer.

The next important day in her life described her son’s announcement that he was retiring, as a result of his health. “Something with his nervous system, doctors don’t quite know what it is.” (Lou suffered from ALS, now known as ‘Lou Gehrig’s disease’.) He had married a woman named Eleanor whom Christina didn’t like very much. She also described a falling out Lou had had with his friend, Babe Ruth: Babe had made advances toward Eleanor, and the two friends never reconciled.

Later Christina, having survived both her son and her husband, died in the hospital at an old age. Her body was cremated and while she was out of the body I asked her if there was anyone with her, and she saw a dog that she loved. It took her to be reunited with her family.

The lesson of that lifetime was learning to let go. It was a tough one, but she learned it.

 Her Higher Self, (with whom we contact in QHHT sessions to ask for answers and healing) showed her the scene because throughout her life she had always had the feeling that she was missing someone, causing her to feel a void in herself which in turn had caused some other issues. The experience of the affirmation of the bond she shared with her son, that he had come back to be with her, and knowing the cause of the feelings of loss, helped her to heal from this.

I enjoyed this session particularly because it described recorded verifiable, somewhat recent events and even though Cindy had researched some of the Gehrig family and Lou’s life, the amount and kind of detail that was experienced by Cindy during her session surpassed what she had found out with research so far.

With this new information she took to researching again, and found out even more facts about the family that in turn confirmed what she had experienced in her session. She has talked to her son after the regression and confirmed his statements that she was his mom “Christine” when he was “Lou.” Her son told her then that even though he had liked his wife Eleanor when he was Lou, he didn’t like her now: there had been a fight between them like he had had with Babe Ruth.


Subsequent research brought up these images. In the first one Cindy exclaimed, “Those are the shoes!” Then when she found this photograph below she said,  “I’m holding a dog!” wondering if it’s the same dog that came to greet her in the afterlife. The dog was given to her by Babe Ruth, who didn’t have his own mother in his life.


She also found out that Lou’s dad’s name was Heinrich but went by the name of Henry, because of the anti-German sentiment at the time.


Cindy described the QHHT session as the most healing and awakening experience of her life so far. It was my pleasure to assist her and I look forward to reading the book she plans to write about the remembered life of Christina and Lou Gehrig.

You can find out more about Jeroen de Wit at his website source-energy-therapy.com

You can find out more about Dolores Cannon and her body of work, and her classes on QHHT at DoloresCannon.com.

You may share this article freely as long as it remains unchanged and all links are intact. Copyright 2014 QHHT Support Forum and Jeroen de Wit.

Posted in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Regression, reincarnation | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Is the Human Body a Projection of Consciousness? (Reblogged article)

There is nothing very “new” in this article, but its a well written piece by Brandon West and comprehensive summary of idea of the mind being non-local, that we are rapidly blinking in and out of a physical reality, and how these concepts can explain HOW and why energy and consciousness based healing like QHHT, (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy) is valid. Don’t miss the continued conversation in the comments section below the original article at its URL (especially if you would like to argue this point) where Brandon answers the scientific materialist’s protests of his conclusions of the double slit experiment. He faces those arguments far more eloquently and knowledgeably than I could. 😉

ORIGINAL ARTICLE on Waking Times Here

Proof that the Human Body is a Projection of Consciousness

Brandon West, Contributor
Waking Times

In this article we will explore how your body is a holographic projection of your consciousness, and how you directly influence that hologram and thus have complete control over the physical health of your body. We will also specifically explore the exact mechanism behind this principle, and don’t worry, I will provide scientific evidence so let your rational mind be at ease. But first … how is this even possible? And if it truly is, why do we need doctors, medicine, or personal injury lawyers and the likes? Although there is some great info here if you do find yourself needing a personal injury lawyer in the future.

Human Thought Determines Reality

One of the key principles of quantum physics is that our thoughts determine reality. Early in the 1900?s they proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt with an experiment called the double slit experiment. They found that the determining factor of the behavior of energy (‘particles’) at the quantum level is the awareness of the observer.

For example: electrons under the same conditions would sometimes act like particles, and then at other times they would switch to acting like waves (formless energy), because it was completely dependent on what the observer expected was going to happen. Whatever the observed believed would occur is what the quantum field did.

The quantum world is waiting for us to make a decision so that it knows how to behave. That is why quantum physicists have such difficulties in dealing with, explaining, and defining the quantum world. We are truly, in every sense of the word, masters of creation because we decide what manifests out of the field of all-possibility and into form.


The thing is, the quantum level of reality isn’t a local and insignificant aspect of creation. It is all around us, and it is the most fundamental level of creation aside from the unified field itself. The human energy field is interacting and influencing the quantum field all around us at all times and the energy of our beliefs and intentions are infused into our energy field because they are defined by the energy of our thoughts and emotions.

Thus the fusion of our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and intentions, which I will call the human energy field for simplicity’s sake, is perpetually informing the quantum reality within us and around us at each moment of our existence.

And because reality is flashing in and out of existence (hypothetically at Planck time – 1044 times per second – as explained by The Resonance Project biophysicist William Brown), every time our reality oscillates between form, and the pure energy state of the field, our awareness which is constant and doesn’t flash in and out of existence informs the field what to reappear as when it makes its transition back to form at the quantum level.

Therefore each time we oscillate into formlessness, we have complete and total control and responsibility over what we choose with our attention to manifest out of the field in the next moment, and our power and ability to do so relies entirely what we believe, and on how we are feeling.

A dramatic example of this is the case of Vittorio Michelli. In 1962 he was admitted to the Military Hospital of Verona, Italy with a large tumor on his left hip. The doctors knew that they could not help him, so his case was deemed hopeless and he was sent home without treatment, and after about 10 months his left hip bone had completely disintegrated. As a last resort, he traveled to Lourdes, France and bathed himself in the spring there (which is a Christian holy site famous for producing miracles).

Immediately he started feeling better, he regained his appetite, and bathed himself in the spring a few more times before he left. After a few months of being home he felt such a powerful sense of well-being that he urged the doctors to x-ray him again, and they were astonished to find that his tumor had shrunk. Over the next several months they kept a close watch on him, and his X-rays showed that his tumor kept on shrinking, until it was gone. And once his tumor disappeared, his hipbone started regenerating.

After two months he was walking again, and several years later his hip bone had completely regenerated. The Vatican’s Medical Commission, in their official report said:

“A remarkable reconstruction of the iliac bone and cavity has taken place. The X-rays made in 1964, 1965, 1968, and 1969 confirm categorically and without doubt that an unforeseen and even overwhelming bone reconstruction has taken place of a type unknown in the annals of world medicine.” (The Holographic Universe, p.107)

Ordinarily this would be deemed miraculous, and indeed it truly is. But I find this miraculous in the sense of the true power of human intention and belief that it displays. Moreover, this is powerful evidence that suggests that there is an energetic structure which our ‘material bodies’ align with, because that is one of the only logical explanations for how Vittorio Michelli’s hip bone knew exactly which shape to grow back into unless there was some sort of energetic blueprint which was instructing its growth, which as the Vatican’s Medical Commission clearly stated, was “unknown in the annals of world medicine.”

In medicine, maybe this was unknown, but the same cannot be said for physics. At the atomic level atoms bond with one another to form molecules which have specific geometric structures as if there is an energetic blueprint which they are adhering to which dictates the shapes they maintain together.

If our bodies are a projection of consciousness, then our consciousness would create an energetic blueprint which our atoms and molecules align with to create our bodies. There is highly suggestive evidence of the existence of this energetic blueprint (or human energy field) in the new research on DNA which proves that it transmits, receives, and thus reads energy directly from the field.

Michelli’s case is a perfect example of our human ability to re-organize that vacuum structure with our energy and intentions, and thus manifest what we desire directly out of the field for truly miraculous results. The fact that he started to feel better and started to believe that he was healed is, I suggest, the key to his healing.

Some may want to stick with the belief that God healed this man, and I would agree to you. But you and I would probably disagree on the nature of this God. For I contend that you are god, as are we all, because the force we call God is the energy and infinite consciousness behind creation, and thus when we tap into ourselves as pure consciousness, i.e. without thought through meditation, then we open ourselves to the infinitude of our own awareness because we inseparably are that infinite creative consciousness. We are it and it is us.

And when we open up to that energy, we allow ourselves to be flooded with a “powerful sense of well-being” and knowing which has astounding power to create reality, and directly affects our biology.

The Body as a Projection of Consciousness

I want you to really internalize the understanding that reality is flashing in and out of form. This is absolutely crucial in understanding our ability to heal, because if half of the time we are formless, then (1) Who are we really, because obviously our bodies and the material world is illusory to a degree; and (2) What is the blueprint which is guiding the rearrangement of our bodies each time we quite literally re-materialize?

The answer to both questions would be consciousness. Our bodies are a holographic projection of our consciousness, and they are the sum total of our beliefs about ourselves. If we can change our beliefs about ourselves, and thus if we can change the energy that defines our human energy field, then we can change the energetic blueprint which our body aligns with as it re-materializes back into form 1044 times per second.

(The exact structure and dynamics of our consciousness which make us both a fractal and holographic expression of this infinite God-consciousness can be found in Nassim Haramein’s Holofractographic Universe theory, and in his work Crossing the Event Horizon.)

Deepak Chopra told a story that illustrates this perfectly in his book, How to Know God. A friend of his injured his foot while working out in a gym because he was unaccustomed to using one of the machines and strained it. The pain in his foot increased over the next few days, and he found it increasingly difficult to walk, so upon “medical examination it was found that he had a common ailment known as planar fasciitis, in which the connecting tissue between the heel and the front of the foot had been stretched or torn.” (How to Know God, p.221)

His friend decided not to have surgery and instead to tough it out, but in time he found it so painful and difficult to walk that he sought out a Chinese Healer in desperation. Many who go to these healers end up taking something similar to Blessed CBD oil, but this situation was different. This Chinese man was ordinary by appearance, and gave “no evidence of being mystical or spiritual, or in any way gifted in healing.” The injured friend of Deepak Chopra continues:

“After gently feeling my foot, he stood up and made a few signs in the air behind my spine. He never actually touched me, and when I asked what he was doing, he simply said he was turning some switches in my energy field. He did this for a minute or so and then asked me to stand up. I did, and there was no sensation of pain, not the slightest. You have to remember that I had limped in, barely able to walk.”

He continues:

“In complete amazement I asked him what he had done. He told me that the body was an image projected by the mind, and in a state of health the mind keeps this image intact and balanced. However, injury and pain can cause us to withdraw our attention from the affected spot. In that case, the body image starts to deteriorate; its energy patterns become impaired, unhealthy. So the healer restores the correct pattern – this is done instantly, on the spot – after which the patient’s own mind takes responsibility for maintaining it that way.” (How to Know God, p.222)

This story has fascinated and inspired me ever since I heard it. As we have seen, reality is flashing in and out of existence innumerable times every second, oscillating between form and formlessness, and quantum physics knows that our thoughts and beliefs influence the quantum reality which is the source of the material world. Therefore it is only natural to assume an energetic and formless source for all of creation, including our physicality.

I think it is absolutely clear that we must start to consider ourselves as more than a physical body. In truth it is much more coherent to think of ourselves as a luminous energy field organizing ourselves in a body, or as pure consciousness manifesting and temporarily experiencing this level of reality through our bodies. New evidence is clearly illustrating that our mind is non-local and is independent of the brain, which means it doesn’t need the brain, or the body for that matter, to exist.[1]

We are so much more than we think we are, and infinitely more than we have been lead to believe. The next step that we have to take, moreover, the next step in our human evolution now involves us learning how to use and hone this power we have to influence reality and literally manifest anything we want directly out of the field, from a new hip, to perhaps better eyesight, or a fit and healthy body, all the way to a new life.

But how is this done?

Healing Your Field, Healing Your Body

To heal, all that we need to do is purify our energy so that the energetic projection of our body is unobstructed. Then our atoms and molecules can align perfectly to this structure because there is no energetic interference to disrupt the image of our body as projected by our consciousness.

We do this by getting in the gap between our thoughts, where our beliefs no longer affect our reality, for, when we are not thinking, we are also free of beliefs and expectations. And by doing this we are aligning ourselves with universal principles, and matching our energy with the energies coming directly from the field of all-possibility – those high frequency energies of love, kindness, inspiration, passion, joy, and so on.

The first step is to consider the possibility that we are not only energy, but that there is infinite energy all around us which we can consciously tap into to promote healing in our body and mind, to become a more happy, healthy, vibrant and creative being. As soon as you start to connect to the infinite energy of creationand your own true nature as formless energy, then you start to become aware of these energies in your body which returns the projection of your body to its natural state.

The projection of your body can only be disrupted by a disturbance in your energy field – yourconsciousness – caused by unbalanced thoughts and emotions, and limiting beliefs. Our luminous energy field is naturally vibrant, and our energy naturally flows unhindered as a powerful stream of consciousness, but the lower levels of consciousness, which we have been conditioned to live in as part of our social indoctrination, disrupt this flow which if left unhindered would express its perfection everywhere.

Another key concept to understand is that your body is always regenerating. In a talk of Deepak Chopra’sthat I listened to, he pointed out that atoms do not age. They do not die, and the same atoms that existed at the big bang around 14 billion years ago exist to this day, some of which are even within you.

Every year 98% of the atoms in your body are exchanged for ‘new’ atoms. You are constantly dying, and being reborn, and literally transforming at the atomic and molecular levels. Every three days you have a new stomach lining, every month you have new skin, every three months you have a new skeleton. And every year you have almost an entirely new body (Deepak Chopra from Living Beyond Miracles with Wayne Dyer).

Deepak Chopra described it beautifully by saying that our atoms “are like migrating birds”. They are not permanent, they are completely independent, and are drifting through space and time and merely being organized into structures such as our bodies by none other than our energy field which organizes them as amagnetic field organizes metal filings, only slightly more complex.

What more proof do we need in order to start looking at our bodies differently, and in general looking at the mechanism of health itself in a new light?

None of the raw materials that form your physical body age, moreover, they are constantly changing. Therefore I ask this of you. Is it really you that is changing? And what is the force that organizes these atoms and molecules back where they are supposed to be, and makes sure that they perfectly and harmoniously continue to do their jobs even while your cells and atoms are migrating by the billions?

Your body is not the real you. Your body is merely a projection of what you believe yourself to be. If you could discover that you are pure consciousness, and that who you really are is an infinite creative awareness that is manifesting reality and co-creating reality with other aspects of yourself (because every being is an expression of the infinite universal consciousness we have labelled as God), then you can start to take complete control over your body, your health, and your life.

Chronic pain, disease, illness, or the old injuries that you have in your body are not actually in your body, they are in your mind. More specifically, they are a function of your perception, and this is why some people are looking at a WV medical marijuana card or other legal states so they can treat pains and aches by using medical marijuana, as it is actually becoming a widely used medicine for many types of illnesses. Some even choose to learn more about how to take it, but how does it impact you? Well, your atoms are always changing, and your molecules are too, but as new atoms come and as new molecules are formed, and as you flash in and out of existence, your energetic field is telling them where to go, what to do, and how to align with one another.

Therefore, you are holding disease, illness, pain, and injuries within your consciousness, and thus, they are imprinted in your energetic field, and only then do they proceed to manifest in your physiology.

If this is the case, then not only is our health completely under our willful control, but the rate at which we age may even be under our control as well. Now I am not suggesting that we can be immortal, because we already are as infinite beings of consciousness. What I am suggesting is that in a time long forgotten, and in the near future, human beings have had and will realize again the ability to live from this field, and live consciously from their nature as luminous beings of pure energy.

At that time human beings will realize that the body is a manifestation of our highest self, and we can not only consciously manifest anything in life, but anything in our bodies as well. And one day we will reach a point where we can continually regenerate our bodies at will because we live from the field of infinite energy, and thus our bodies simply operate at a higher frequency so that we can live in them until our work is completed and we choose to move on.

Fantastic? Yes. But these changes are noticeable within the human body and mind even after a little bit of practice and training, so decide to feel and experience it for yourself, and learn how to meditate. This is what evidence is clearly suggesting and my own experience also indicates to be true. The only hindrance to tapping into this nature of the universe is your own conscious awareness, your level of attention, and your beliefs.

Our ability to heal is directly related to our level of attention and our level of belief. For example we can heal ourselves of any affliction, illness, disease, or injury that is possible so long as we have absolute certainty, a knowing, that we will be healed. This is directly achieved by accessing the most fundamental level of reality through deep meditation.

This is because at the fundamental level of reality, anything is possible, and the restructuring of reality is dictated entirely by our beliefs and expectations. We are pure energy, and there is infinite potential in that energy. It is entirely up to us what we choose to manifest out of the field in our lives and in our bodies.

You have no limitations, and nothing is impossible. It is only your beliefs which dictate what you can and cannot do.

“Miracles happen, not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.” – St. Augustine

About the Author

West is the creator of Project Global Awakening. A website dedicated to the research of a variety of scientific and spiritual disciplines, and applying that knowledge to help you live an inspired life and change the world. Follow Project Global Awakening on Facebook, and Twitter.

– [1] Exploring the Nature of Mind and our Holographic Brain, from http://www.projectglobalawakening.com/2014/03/29/nature-of-mind/

Posted in Consciousness, Energy Healing, Health, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Reality, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

QHHT Case Study: Anxiety and Diabetes

Not long ago a college-age young man came for a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session. He came quite a long ways and was accompanied by his mother. The main complaint was severe anxiety and type 1 diabetes. He was checking his blood sugar several times a day and using insulin. One way to ease the symptoms of anxiety would be to contact a bulk hemp supplier for some herbal remedies.

The very first thing I made sure to find out, was whether or not the young man was there of his own volition. It seemed his mother had done the research and had been the one to discover and suggest QHHT and in fact even went so far as to make the actual appointment. This can be acceptable, as long as the “other” person was willing and interested in a session. This rarely is successful if they are doing the exploration for the interested party and not themselves. I said as much to the mother when she booked the time and was assured her son was onboard, just very busy at college and so she was making all of the arrangements.

And so they both made the trip to Kansas. Before even starting to talk about what was troubling this young man, it was important to make certain he absolutely wanted to be there and was open to QHHT. After a very long talk and interview it was apparent that “Chris” was quite keen on the idea of exploring his consciousness and was very willing and interested in discovering the cause, and hopefully find some answers or solutions for his issues.

Chris had an apparently idyllic childhood. His parents were kind and loving and there was no reports of fighting or disagreements of any kind. He had siblings he loved and cared for as well. His early schooling years were uneventful and he had a steady girlfriend and was in a stable relationship with her. He had a hobby of working on old cars, especially old farm trucks. He was in an ivy league school, at great expense and sacrifice to his parents. He was an above average student but had to work hard to keep up his grades. He wasn’t very interested in the subject he was studying: Mechanical Engineering, but he was fairly good at it and passed the exams to get into the school. It was a tough program and a prestigious school to get into and his parents were thrilled at his acceptance. He was only about halfway through his studies.

The diabetes came “out of no where” while he was in high school. There was no history of it in his family and it was currently managed by insulin and frequent blood sugar tests throughout the day. The anxiety came and went, and he had medication for that as well, but he did not like to use it. Some people prefer an alternative form of treatment for anxiety such as cannabis. It is now common for dispensary supplies to include vapes and other things, so there are plenty of products to choose from. Perhaps he would benefit from these, especially if they were from the best quality range. However, there are also other treatments available which is for the best as it certainly isn’t a one size fits all situation.

Chris easily went into a deep trance state and found himself walking along a beautiful wooded path. He walked for a while in the woods, apparently as a young man, much like himself, describing the peace and tranquility he was observing. He was alone but not lonely and happy to be headed to where he was going. Where was that? Well, he soon came upon a building. He walked inside. It was a well appointed garage and there in the middle of the main bay was a beautiful old yellow farm truck. It was in the end stages of refurbishing. The chrome was shiny, the paint perfect, and it gleamed in the sunlight.


After a bit more exploration around the shop, it comes to his mind that this shop is actually HIS. Everything in it is what he likes. His music, his projects, the view outside into the woods. He is extremely content here and joyously works on the old vehicles in solitude.

When it came time to speak to Chris’ High Self, I asked why this “life” and or this scene was shown to Chris. The High Self explained that this was Chris’ dream and vision of his perfect future, of his perfect life, the life he wanted to create for himself. It allowed him to feel, fully, what it would be like to be completely in charge of his own projects and his own time and space.

We then asked for a body scan and asked about the diabetes and anxiety. The High Self explained that the diabetes was brought on as a result of the decision Chris made in High School to live his life as his parents had in mind for him to live. He was denying and crushing his own dream in order to try to please them. He loved his parents very much and they him. He loved them so much, he made the decision to go to Mechanical Engineering school to fulfill the dream they had for him to make them happy. He did not want to disappoint them in any way.

The anxiety he felt had to do with the schooling itself. He was forcing himself to do the work, to take the tests, to even be on campus around so many people. He did not enjoy any part of it at all and each day and all of his activities were dreaded. Deep down, the High Self explained that Chris wanted to quit school in the worst way and just get on with his true passion of working on old cars and trucks, but he kept that passion locked up like a prisoner inside of him.

This denial of passion therefore, denying himself “the sweetness” of life that he could be living became manifest as diabetes. The anxiety of performing daily tasks he despised was another signal he was in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing.

I asked the High Self, “What should Chris do?”

High Self: “He should tell his parents he wants to and needs to quit Mechanical Engineering school for his optimum health and happiness.”

Me: “How should he do this?”

High Self: “He should tell his mother as they are on the plane on the trip back home.”

Me: “He should tell his mother first then?”

High Self “Yes, then they can talk with the father when they arrive home.”

Me: “So, even though he is halfway through the degree, he should not finish it? He should just quit right away?”

High Self: “Yes, that is how he can completely eliminate the diabetes and anxiety.”

Me: “Can you please heal the diabetes and anxiety right now? Can you adjust the organs so that they maintain correct blood sugar balance?”

High Self: “The anxiety is already gone. It left him completely when we showed him the workshop in the woods. We can and will heal and adjust the pancreas’ function to improve the diabetic condition, but we will not complete that healing until he leaves ME school and begins to pursue his passion.”

Me: “But his parents are very interested in his education and him completing his ME degree. It will cause a great disruption in the family for him to quit school.”

High Self: “The health and happiness of Chris is dependent upon him living his life for himself and his own dreams. This will cause sadness at first for the parents, but they have a good and loving relationship and they will soon understand it was for the best.”

Me; “So is there anything else specifically Chris should do once he quits school?”

High Self: “Yes. He should immediately enroll in a Vo-Tech school to hone his skills on auto restoration.”

When Chris sat up out of trance he was exuding calmness and happiness. He remembered most of the part of the session where he was in the woods and exploring the workshop and its contents. He relayed even more details and talked about how good it felt when he understood this was his very own workshop, filled with his own tools and equipment and projects. He talked extensively about the colors and the feeling of peace and solitude the woods that surrounded the building gave him.

He did not remember nearly as much, the details of when the High Self was speaking. We talked about what it had said.

Chris looked at me and said, “My parents would be crushed if I quit ME school.” We talked about the idea of the Vo-Tech school and pursuing his dream. He didn’t think his parents would go for that idea at all. “You don’t know how hard this has been for my parents,” he said, “They even took on part time jobs to pay for my schooling.”

I told him to listen to his session recording carefully and to make his own decision. As amazing as QHHT is in uncovering what our High Self wishes for us, what our High Self has planned for us, we know that it is our own free will that is paramount in this life.

We chatted a bit more and discussed different topics like his friendship group, methods to deal with it if it got really bad like CBD capsules, he asked “What are CBD Capsules?” After a while, we called his mother to tell him the session was over. I asked Chris how he felt right then. “I feel really great right now. Especially when I think of that shop and that yellow truck.” He smiled. “But I don’t know how I am going to tell my mom I want to quit school.”

His mom walked into the office. “Did it work?” I smiled. I said, “I’ll let Chris be the one to tell you all about it.”

A few weeks later I heard back from Chris. He said he was feeling much better. He said his blood sugar level normalized so much after the session he needed little to no insuline for many days afterwards. He said although it was still greatly improved from before our visit, it had recently started to spike up again.

I asked him if he quit school yet. He said no. I asked him if he told his parents what his High Self said, about what to do to become healthy and happy. He said no, he just couldn’t do that to them because he loved them too much.

I remain hopeful for Chris’ future both for his health for his and occupation. He has been told the underlying reason he manifested his diabetes. Perhaps he will leave the ME school soon and start living his own life or maybe he will just finish ME school and then get back to his real passion as soon as possible. Maybe his parents will make it easy for him to follow his real dreams. QHHT is amazing and provides wonderful opportunities for healing and understanding. However, free will absolutely reigns and one always has a choice in life. It is one of the reasons, and some would say one of the most important reasons we all have chosen the Earth School; to understand and have access to free will and choices.

-For more information about QHHT and Dolores Cannon’s body of work, see DoloresCannon.com

-For information about Candace and her practice see newearthjourney.com

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright 2014 Candace Craw-Goldman. newearthjourney.com

Posted in Candace Craw-Goldman, Dolores Cannon, Health, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Regression | 4 Comments

Nightmares Not Accepted

It is a rare event for me to have a “bad” dream and I haven’t had a nightmare in many years. I did have the occasional nightmare as a child and young adult but I learned a long time ago not to expose myself to fearful imagery or horror movies or really anything that celebrates fear (mainstream news anyone?) and so my nighttime dreaming experiences have been nearly wholly pleasant.

A few weeks ago I had a very odd night. I awoke, several times at the “beginnings” of dreams where I was playing the starring role as a victim being harassed or pursued by horrible people and creatures. This was extremely odd. Often, sleepless nights like this are a sign of discomfort. If this broken sleep wasn’t accompanied by the bad dreams, I might’ve considered swapping my mattress for the best air mattress Australia has to offer to see if that helped me to get a full night’s sleep. However, due to the bad dreams, I will assume that the broken sleep was due to that. Each time I would wake up thoroughly confused. It was like I was dreaming with someone else’s head. Each time I immediately closed my eyes to resume sleeping, thinking “Well, that was odd,” and dismissing them as an anomaly, fully expecting to sleep the rest of the night through.

The final dream was a real stunner. It actually featured zombie-like characters and I knew exactly what sort of horror/torture they had in mind for me and it wasn’t going to be nice. At all. In my dream, I actually felt my incredulousness rising. I knew I wasn’t supposed to be experiencing this. I didn’t ask for it, I don’t allow this type of energy in my life and world. Not even in my dream state!

Zombies for crying out loud? The new age boogeyman concept I barely acknowledged in my waking world and would never allow in my dreamtime. It was almost funny. And that was the thought right there that brought me to lucidity.

“Ah. I am dreaming. Well then. That makes this even easier!”

“Rubbish! You have no power here! Now begone!”

I waved my arm and practically laughed at the drooling, dripping half dead creatures and repeated this wonderful line from “The Wizard of Oz” where Glinda the Good Witch simply laughs at the Wicked Witch and tells her to begone.

You have no power here. Now begone!

The zombies instantly froze mid stride and then faded into nothingness.

In the morning as I sat and pondered the night, I believe the reason I even had the dreams I did at all was because of where I happened to be sleeping. I know the person who had been sleeping in that room the night prior to me was quite ill. I don’t think I was processing any of “my stuff” at all. I think I might have been helping to transmute the residual lower vibrating energy of that person’s illness that was still present in the room. (I should mention that there is still quite a bit of energetic releasing going on in the world by most of us and this is not going to end any time soon.)

Dreams can be so very powerful and nightmares especially, of course. I am reminded of a recent Quantum Healing Hypnosis client who had a horrible, nearly life changing nightmare that seemed to be a message or connected to a cherished loved one. Because QHHT allows direct communication with the High Self, we were able to actually ask about that nightmare’s meaning and message, and it actually was not at all about who or what the client imagined. The High Self lovingly and thoroughly explained the imagery and message and it then made so much sense to other significant and relevant parts of her life. Dreams or nightmares are common questions brought to me by QHHT clients, along with life path and health concerns.

You can actually program your dreams and ask for information from your High Self. I do this frequently, and the results just keep getting better over time. How do you program your dreams? It’s rather quite simple. Just ask your High Self out loud, or intend to have a dream about a certain subject and try to have the request or the thought be the very last one you have as you drift off to sleep. It takes some practice, but the benefits are priceless.

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright 2014 Candace Craw-Goldman. newearthjourney.com

Posted in Dreams, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

There are a lot of us looking up lately. The blood moon lunar eclipse of a few days ago had many eyes trained to the skies and people talking about the stars and planets and the cosmos.

Another astrological event is coming up that is creating a lot of talk. Its called the Cardinal Grand Cross and it will occur April 23-24, 2014.

We in Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Community are talking about it too. The following information about the event is from a QHHT session facilitated by Dedicated Practitioner Cynthea Cameron of  Tucson, Arizona.

I have been hearing a lot of buzz recently about the upcoming April astrological event of the Cardinal Grand Cross. I had a session today where the client expressed an interest too. Before starting my client asked me to leave the door open to facilitate just a little airflow into the room, so throughout the session we could hear a gentle breeze blowing outside. At the beginning of the session this client had a lot of resistance, but finally he allowed the session to flow. 

Toward the end of the QHHT session I asked the SC (Which is the SuperConscious or what Dolores Cannon calls the Subconscious,) “What is the significance of the planetary movement that is aligning Jupiter, Mars, Pluto and Uranus in a specific formation in the coming days?” We received the following beautiful message: 

“There are waves of energy of love, of intelligent life, bathing your planet now. And this could be a day at which all of you who will allow it connect with it in a much more fully and deep way. And as that occurs and you let it rest inside of you, we will be closer to you, and you will be closer to us. 

And those who have not seen before may begin to see. And those who have not heard before may begin to hear. And those who have shut off feelings may begin to feel again. This is the bringing together of the world. And then you become more and more multi-dimensional. And your crystal form begins to take shape. And we join and we unite. 

But this is a process. It doesn’t come automatically, or in an instant. It comes wave by wave – shower by shower – droplet by droplet. And know that it is coming. Know that you are being uplifted. You are uplifted in a sense that you are being united with us. But it doesn’t mean that you never had that capacity. For you always have. And it is a rare and wonderful beginning. 

But it is also not the beginning, as this process has been ongoing for billions of years. However, this is a milepost. It is a time, as you are hearing the bells and wind chimes ringing outside, and you are hearing the soothing energy of the birds and the wind, to know that greater, and greater love is arriving on your shores.”

Submitted by Cynthea Cameron

Find Cynthea at Attainableyou.com

The following is an excellent blog and article from Universal Life Tools about just that event if you are unaware or unclear about the potential consequences of the energy alignment that is about to occur.

 Universal Life Tools Cardinal Grand Cross Article


Those who come for Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions usually are seeking personal healing or information, but very often, this type of higher level or universal or cosmic information and understanding is also available.

Much thanks goes to Cynthea Cameron of Tucson Arizona and also to her client who brought forth this lovely message and have graciously and generously given permission to share this information with the world. Find Cynthea, a Dedicated Practitioner of QHHT at Attainableyou.com

-For more information about QHHT, and Dolores Cannon’s body of work, see Candace Craw-Goldman’s website Newearthjourney.com or Dolores Cannon’s website at  DoloresCannon.com

You too can learn QHHT–online classes now available!

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright 2014 Candace Craw-Goldman. newearthjourney.com

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So was that an Actual “Past Life” Memory or Simply “My Imagination?”

Recently my friend and fellow QHHT colleague Lorna Wilson was asked if Quantum Healing Hypnosis or regression therapy could be beneficial to someone who did not believe in the concept of a “past life.” The following was her response.

If someone wants to explore their inner awareness then regression therapy is beneficial. Clinical studies have proven that Past Life Regression therapy has profound psychosomatic results in finding the originating causes of physical diseases and is beneficial for a variety of mental disturbances or psychological discomforts.

As a therapy past life regression allows us to disengage from our immediate life circumstances allowing our own subconscious to bring to the forefront of our mind a ‘story’ or ‘stories’ that match emotionally what we are experiencing. Imagine if you will that you can participate in a spontaneously created subconscious revelation where the answers that you are seeking are able to surface to the forefront of your awareness without you knowing how or what will be shown to you. The stories unfold bit by bit and are never what we expect they will be so it is helpful to be very curious whether as an observer or a direct participant.

image courtesy sattva, free digitalphotos.net

image courtesy sattva, free digitalphotos.net

Memories and imagination can be said to originate through the same basis within the mind and is coloured through our personal filters or our unique perception. When it comes to what is defined as a ‘past life’ it doesn’t matter if it is our imagination creating a subconscious story as an ‘actual’ event, an analogy or as a metaphor, what is important is that it helps us in a way that is healing or insightful.

We experience these ‘events’ in a similar way to when we dream while sleeping. In our dreams we often experience a wide range of unexpected and symbolic events and can often spend a lot of time trying to decipher them. When experiencing a ‘past life memory’ those can easily be deciphered as they are self explanatory. Not only do we experience them as ‘true’ but we can feel the emotions and sense the connections to previous things in our life and formative years. Quite often after such an experience we feel the truth for ourselves and sense a greater connection to our spiritual essence

These ‘past life memories’ are not always completely accurate as they are based on the experiencer’s perception and may only be true to the individual. But this is what is important as it is what your own subconscious is showing you about what is buried beneath the surface of your conscious mind. The emotional impact is subjective and relevant to whatever questions you may have. An example of this is that the comment ‘my mother never loved me’ can in actuality have been that your mother did love you to the extent that she was capable of in relation to what other things where going on in her life and mind. When experiencing a session the results allow you to come into a place of unconditional self acceptance and understanding.

Lorna Wilson
Practicing QHHT in London, England
Special Contributor QHHT Support Forum for Practitioners

-For more information about QHHT and Dolores Cannon’s body of work, see DoloresCannon.com

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice.

Copyright 2014

Lorna Wilson http://www.lornawilsonqhhthealing.co.uk/

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QHHT Questions

Every day I get phonecalls and letters from people inquiring about QHHT and Dolores Cannon’s work. Today I was about to answer the following email when I asked permission of this person if I could answer these questions in public via my blog.

Hi Candace,

I contacted you earlier this summer and you were able to help me find a QHHT Practitioner close by, so thanks for that. Since my session I have bought many of Dolores Cannon’s books and watched a ton of her videos, I even bought Julia Cannon’s book Soul Speak. I’ve had an incredible awakening and awesome journey these past 5 months.

I like to think of myself as someone with a pretty open mind and find that most people say they are open minded but really aren’t. So I’m going to ask you a couple of questions that have been driving me a little crazy.

The first question:

 Ok so why would Source energy/God make us (no free choice) go through the life review process and have to reincarnate? I don’t think anyone can get rid of karma 100 percent, no way. So it seems we all just keep coming back 🙁 and can’t escape.

Second question:

Dolores has said in many of her videos “We can’t  know our past lives when we come back” and also says “It wouldn’t be a test if we knew the answers”. This doesn’t make sense to me, why would Source Energy/God test us? Isn’t that kind of mean? Is it possible there is something more sinister going on here? What am I missing? I’m hoping for peace of mind.



Hi Lee

I’m glad you found the QHHT helpful and healing for your life. Let me see if I can answer these questions for you with Dolores’ teachings and the information that QHHT has brought to the world in mind as I do.

First of all, God/Source tells us repeatedly that the choice to incarnate is ours alone. No one or no power “makes” us do anything. We truly are our own creator, we are a PART of God that is experiencing Himself through us by providing the sense of separation while we are experiencing life as a human being.

The life review process is also a choice and it is our own higher aspect or soul that is reviewing the life just lived. No one judges us, we truly judge ourselves! If you find yourself in judgment by another, you are being deceived!

Dolores believes that karma is in fact coming to an end with life on this planet as we evolve our consciousness. I have to agree. In every QHHT session I faciliate, I inquire about remaining karmic contracts, connections or debts for my clients. A good number of clients come to their sessions already having released all remaining karma, and nearly all of the rest of them release any remaining karma during the session itself.

Anyone can release all karma and also, any contracts they have made to give up their sovereignty. Simply ask for forgiveness from, and for, any person either physically in real life, or if that is not possible silently imagine your Higher Self addressing and forgiving and asking for forgiveness of any other Higher Self.

For the second part, state out loud that you revoke any and all contracts or agreements that you have ever made in this incarnation or in any other, and that you had agreed to give up your energy or sovereignty.

It truly is that easy if you do this from your heart. It cannot hurt to do this daily along with your prayers, and be sure to concentrate on peace and gratitude!

You have agreed to a physical existence as a human being for expansion and growth for your soul to benefit the expansion of God/Source so that it may KNOW ITSELF.

Before entering the human vehicle you yourself created a plan of sorts for your life. You had goals you wished to accomplish, things you wished to experience or learn during this particular life. But if you already knew what all of those things were, or how it would all turn out, it wouldn’t quite be the same as if you had a clean slate on which to discover those things. That is what Dolores means by “test.”

For example, you might enter a life with one great goal to learn what it feels like to be completely dependent upon another human being, perhaps by being “disabled” in some way. But, if during that life you still turned away everyone who wished to assist you, or help you, because you insisted on being independent despite your “disability,” you would not be experiencing what you set out to experience.

It is during the life review that one is able to see how they fared with their goals for that existence. It is very common for souls to repeat similar lives again and again to be able to thoroughly understand and learn things like compassion, forgiveness, humility or grace. And some lives are simply lived to learn about things like patience, or how to have joy or passion in thoroughly human endeavors like dancing or painting or singing.

So, no one is testing us but us, and there is nothing mean or sinister going on whatsoever. Truly!

We are right in the middle of a tremendous shift of consciousness and growth in human history. Every person on this planet has agreed to be here at this auspicious time.

We are in the middle of this amazing and exhilarating ride. So, do try to enjoy yourself! Find and follow your passion or your bliss. Afterall, it is why you are here, Lee.

Much love,


-For more information about QHHT and Dolores Cannon’s body of work, see DoloresCannon.com

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright 2013 Candace Craw-Goldman. newearthjourney.com

Posted in Become Sovereign!, Candace Craw-Goldman, Dolores Cannon, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique | Tagged , , | 54 Comments

Joren Kinnetz’ “Three Spirits” QHHT Session

Joren Kinnetz is a friend and a colleague who practices Quantum Healing Hypnosis.  Today he is a guest author on New Earth Journey’s Blog and tells us the story of a recent client’s QHHT session with “spirits.”

The Three Spirits Session

By Joren Kinnetz

Our beliefs create our reality, and I truly believe in oneness and love. I’ve experienced the energy of oneness and love in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) sessions before, and I know without a doubt that it is all there is. We and everything are “all that is.”

It is my belief that we as creator beings create our reality, and if a person or client believes in entities than they can manifest them in their life. They will believe in these creations, and those spirits or entities will be real for them. My belief is that these spirits or entities are just unresolved issues or parts of the client that they haven’t accepted or integrated yet as part of them. Now hallucinations and psychotic events are totally different than what I’m discussing here in this message.

I have never had a session or client that experienced dark spirits or entities before in the years I’ve been working with hypnosis. There recently was a good discussion on the QHHT practitioner forums about it, and of course my first client with spirits came to me.

We talked for about 2 weeks by email before the session. She described to me how there were three spirits/demons (she used both words) that she could feel and actually see out of the corners of her eyes once in awhile. She even had this to say in one email, “If I tell the dark spirit to leave enough times I can feel the veil lift, only to be knocked back down.” She totally believed in it.

In our QHHT sessions, we contact what Dolores likes to call the Subconscious. It can also be called the Higher Self, the Oversoul, Christ Consciousness, Oneness, or whatever else you want to call the eternal part of that person. It’s that all knowing and all loving part of a person that knows past, present, and everything about that person because it is them on a higher vibration.

During all the emails and the interview, I never once told this lady my beliefs about entities. I did not want her to think I had influenced her with what the Subconscious was going to say about these spirits or demons. I just listened to her story, and waited for the Subconscious to tell her the truth.

Sure enough the Subconscious came through loud and clear. Her higher self told her that the three spirits represented her three worst fears of what she was up against. It even named off those three fears for her, and told her she was holding this fear in her stomach. That is why she had gained so much weight since all this started. One spirit represented the fear of the depression she was going through. The second represented the fear and loss of her best friend. The third represented the fear of leaving her husband.

Original Image courtesy of Victor Habbick at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Original Image courtesy of Victor Habbick at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

A couple weeks later, she sent me a follow up email telling me how much better she was doing. She responded how her soul now felt light and free, and a new chapter was beginning in her life. She said she felt strong, independent, and best of all, even loved herself again. In her final paragraph to me she wrote, “The night before last I felt 2 dark entities enter my room, I looked at them (I could see them too) and they disappeared, what an awesome feeling. I had no fear of them pulling me back.”

The Subconscious helped her release this energy and fear, and gave her some wonderful advice on how to improve her life. She’s a new woman, and she’s definitely not afraid of these spirits anymore or even about them coming back.

I’m so glad I didn’t share my own personal beliefs or give her advice on how to deal with negative entities to validate her beliefs. The Subconscious knew exactly how to deal with it.

Joren Kinnetz

Joren Kinnetz

Joren Kinnetz

Joren is a Practitioner of QHHT who lives in Okoboji Iowa. You can visit his website at thesoulslight.com or email him at [email protected] or give him a call at 712-330-8694.

Thanks Joren, for all that you do, and all that you are. 🙂

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright Joren Kinnetz 2013 and Candace Craw-Goldman. newearthjourney.com

Posted in Guest Post by Joren Kinnetz, Imagination, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique | Tagged , | 4 Comments