A QHHT Christmas Story, Part 3

In Part 3 of this Quantum Healing Hynopsis Christmas Story, the client Jay was describing himself as a well-dressed, bearded, dark-haired man with dreadlocks observing the Christ Child in the manger with his Mother Mary sitting nearby. (Here are Part One and Part Two for those just joining this story.)

Me: So you are standing there in front of the manger, and Mary is there.  Are you holding anything in your arms?

Jay: Water.

Me: How are you holding water?

Jay: Looks like a big old donkey bladder or a canteen made out of natural bladder that’s been stitched. I feel like I’m presenting the water.

Me: You are presenting the water? In what way?

Jay: I’m presenting it to Mary, but I’m sort standing back from the scene a little bit. Like I am in the doorway.

Me: I see. Can you tell me who else is there? What else is going on around you? Are there other people there?

Jay: I see the baby, the mother to the right, the father to the left of the baby and I see a donkey lying in the background. There are two more people to my right. I am not looking at them at the moment but I feel their presence. I know they are there. There is a dark skinned man, wearing like black and gold, he doesn’t have the darkest of skin, but his is darker than mine. Black and gold…

Me: I see. Is this dark-skinned man someone who is known to you?

Jay: I don’t know. I think I know him. He sure he seems bent on telling me something though.

Me: I see.

Jay: It’s almost like he’s grabbing my right elbow and trying to whisper something into my ear.

Me: Sounds like he has an important message to give you. Let’s hear what he has to say.

Jay: He says something that gives me the chills. “We’re here;” He says, “ This is it.”

Me: How does it make you feel when he says that?

Jay: I get goose bumps that start on my right side and lead to my left side. I am absolutely covered in goosebumps.

Me: Does this person have anything in their arms? Are they carrying or presenting anything?

Jay: He has my right elbow in his left hand and he is just pointing towards the center of the room.

Me: I see, and and that’s where the babe is laying? Is that where the manger is or is he pointing to something else?

Jay: It doesn’t actually seem like the babe is the reason we are there. It seems like we are there for something that actually has to do with Mary.

Me: Okay.

I was about to ask more about why they might be there for Mary when Jay began to be very focused on his physical body within that scene.

Jay: My right arm is experiencing… something very odd, very powerful, its really interesting.

Me: It’s okay the more you describe it, the more we will learn. What’s going on?

Jay: It feels like intense isolated goose bumps, My right bicep, my right elbow, right where the dark skinned man is touching me. Its like his hand is going right through my body. It’s so strange.

Jay didn’t seem to be able to say much more about the sensations in his arm or what was happening to the body he was in, nor any more specific connection to Mary and his presence so I moved on and asked more questions about what was going on around him.

Me: You said you felt another presence as well, are you able to see that other presence now?

Jay: He’s a shorter man, somewhat squat. He has a white beard, he’s wearing blue and gold.

Me: What sort of color skin does this fellow have?

Jay: Lighter, lighter skin, he seems much older than us too. Whereas “black and gold” has dark, dark hair, and a dark beard. It’s a dark beard but it’s not long. This other fellow has a white beard, the white beard is long, but he doesn’t show his hair, he’s got a headdress. It’s very fine. A blue and gold headdress. So dark blue its almost like black silk. Whereas my headdress and the other’s is sort of above our heads, this guy’s head covering sort of drapes, like black silk draping over the shoulders.

Jay: And he has a black and gold cloak. These are not ordinary garments. They are rich and amazing fabrics. These two men are … they are my travelling companions.

Me: I see. Can I ask, how did you know how to get here where you are?

Jay: That bright white light.

Me: Can you tell me more about this light?

Chistmas Stable In Bethlehem

Jay: Four long rays, long points of light emitting from the center and the rays curl back a little bit on themselves. They went down side to side and curled back a little. It almost feels like, like four hands were pulling the sky apart and letting this light through.

Me: That’s a beautiful description. Tell me more about this light.

Jay: It was intriguing. It was unknown. It was Joyous to behold.

Me: So could everyone see the light, or was it only visible to some?

Jay: Feels like it was seen by those who were meant to see it. “In an abundance of water the fool is thirsty.”

Me: And when you first saw it, what happened, how did people act? What did you believe the light was for? (Pause) It must have caused quite a sensation to those who could see it.

Jay: There’s sand passing over the tops of the dunes as I travelled, as we travelled. It actually was slow steady progress, I don’t see people excited. I see steady perseverance, inquiry; I’m feeling like it was a guiding light.

It was such an amazing journey. I was not, and my eventual companions were not what you would call seasoned travelers. Camels appeared when we needed them. Water and food were offered as soon as we drank our last drop and ate our last bite. We were taken care of in every way you could imagine without any plan of travel. Not once were we bothered or accosted on our trek, only assisted and helped.

Me: I see. Can you tell me where you are from?

Jay: Maltas. Maltas.

Me: Tell me what you did back where you did come from. How did you spend your days?

Jay: In study.

Me: As the teacher, or as a student or was it self-study?

Jay: I see the little white bearded one in front of me, sitting in front of me. He sits cross-legged in front of me, happy, knowledgeable.

Me: Does he seem like your teacher or were you studying together?

Jay: Feels like an older brethren in the path, a guide, a mentor. But he doesn’t seem to want to be called teacher.

Me: What was your main focus of study?

Jay: Joy. Internal discovery, self-fulfilling joy.

Me: And then you found out about the light.

Jay: And then there was the light. It looked like a comet.

Me: And the other fellow with the dark skin, with the black and gold garments, was he someone that joined up with you later?

Jay: Yes, he feels like a joiner. He may have come from elsewhere, feels like northeast Africa, up, feels even farther east than Egypt.

 Me: How did he find you?

Jay: He was simply on his own journey. He was following his own light. We were all doing this. We were following our own light.

 Me: What was that like as you made your way towards where the light was shining?

Jay: Dark, a bit lonely, but with pleasant company. 

Me: Were you excited?

Jay: Sustained, quelled excitement. Contained excitement.

Me: Did you know that the light would be shining upon a baby? Or did you just know to follow the light?

Jay: We just knew to follow the light. We were just following the light. But… (and here Jay begins to whisper) You must know this: The light, it was so unique, and so powerful. And it drew you in and it was…wait, we’ve gotten this story so wrong, So wrong. It’s not at all what we’ve been told….

(A QHHT Christmas Story….To be continued….Part 4, the conclusion to be posted next.)

-For more information about QHHT  and Dolores Cannon’s body of work, see DoloresCannonQHHT.com

-For information about Candace and her QHHT practice see newearthjourney.com

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright 2014 Candace Craw-Goldman. newearthjourney.com

Posted in Christ Consciousness, Dolores Cannon, qhht, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Regression, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 8 Comments

A QHHT Christmas Story, Part 2

In Part 1 of A QHHT Christmas Story I had just heard the regression subject, Jay, describe himself in a scene where he believed he was looking at the birth place and scene of Jesus Christ. Many thoughts were running through my mind. Could we really be time travelling back to the birth of Jesus? Knowing the discoveries and adventures Dolores Cannon had in her explorations of history and beyond I knew almost anything was possible! For a moment or two I wondered if Jay was fabricating the experience but I did not think so. Firstly, his obvious avoidance and distaste of anything related to Jesus would make it unlikely he would voluntarily force a scene with Him. His interest and passions truly were focused on much different things, primarily his interest in Buddha, his yoga practice and current day relationships. Also, I was reading his body signs and he was already deeply in trance with rapid eye movement and a very still body. As I recall, the actual day of his Quantum Healing Hypnosis session was in mid August and we were in Texas, so a time for very hot weather. Jay was laying on the bed in shorts and I was wearing a summer dress. But the whole room was filled with that certain “something,” that amazing energy one sometimes feels during Christmas and it felt energetically like snowflakes were gently falling outside and carols might be being sung off in the distance. This energy got stronger by the minute and I felt the pressure change in my own ears. Something really amazing was beginning to happen. Jay had just mentioned that the mother, Mary was sitting off to the side while all of the above thoughts were running through my mind. It was time to ask more questions!

Me: Can you describe her for me?

Jay: She’s lovely, young and serene. She’s wearing blue and tan garments. She’s very happy.

Me: Does she know you are there? Is she aware of your presence?

Antwerp - Nativity scene by Peter Paul Rubens

This question was a critical one. We had not yet determined how, what or who was observing this scene that Jay was describing. He could provide so many different answers to that question. Truly anything was possible as Dolores had discovered that consciousness can experience infinite perspectives. Jay could be experiencing a past life as Joseph! He could be a humble shepherd. He could possibly even be one of the stable animals or even an inanimate object like a table. He could even be free and formless as an energy being from another world or simply consciousness itself. This was going to be interesting!

Jay: Yes, that is the feeling that I have, yes she does.

Me: Can you describe yourself to me? Can you look down at your feet? What do you see?

Jay: I seem to wearing some, I don’t want to call them white shoes, but white something or other wrapped around my feet.

The answer to my questions above about his feet is one of the most important moments in a QHHT session! Sometimes the answer is “I don’t have any feet.” But that was not the case in this regression. Jay was solidly finding himself inside a human body. As interesting as animal or energy consciousness can be I was thrilled to know we were about to talk to what seemed to be an actual human being present at the scene of Christ’s birth. I still had more questions to ask, but he had feet and shoes, very good indications that he was human!

Me: Of what does the white covering seem to be made, what kind of material?

Jay: It’s some sort of heavy cloth.

Me: I see. Can you scan up your body and describe what else you see?

Jay: Seems like…like my legs are covered with the same thing as the shoe fabric. The foot fabric and the calf fabric is the same, it’s a white fabric, that takes slightly the shape of the leg but still comfortably loose.

Me: What else can you tell me about your clothing?

Jay: Feels like there is a blue over-cloak or over-robe that hangs to about quarter past my knees. The fabric is rich and clean. They feel like cotton or cotton silk; white cotton, blue silk.

Me: Tell me do you have any head coverings or adornments?

Jay: Yes, a covering on my head. It’s white… almost like a sultan’s. A jewel in the center. The jewel is soft blue and translucent. Also, I have a beard.

Me: So you are in a man’s body?

Jay: Yes, and I have dark, long dreads. (I knew he meant dreadlocks, which are a kind of hair style.)

Me: Other than the jewel in your headdress do you have any jewelry or adornments?

Jay: Feels like a gold link on my left arm. A gold cuff, and on the ankle…maybe left wrist left ankle, gold cuffs.

I know that I began to wonder, as you might be already too, was this one of the three Wise Men who came to visit Jesus at the stable? Was he a Magi? Were the others there, too? As Jay settled into the scene shortly after the Christ child’s birth I felt chills sweep over my body. How amazing to have this opportunity to explore this moment in history. How many times in my own life had I wondered about this scene? Hadn’t much of humanity, Christian and non-Christian alike wondered the same thing? What would we learn? What could we possibly find out? What sorts of questions would you have asked given the opportunity to have a glimpse into one of the greatest moments in history of mankind?

(A QHHT Christmas Story….To be continued….)

-For more information about QHHT  and Dolores Cannon’s body of work, see DoloresCannonQHHT.com

-For information about Candace and her QHHT practice see newearthjourney.com

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright 2014 Candace Craw-Goldman. newearthjourney.com

Posted in Christ Consciousness, Dolores Cannon, qhht | Tagged , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

A QHHT Christmas Story

One of the last comments my client Jay made as he prepared for his Quantum Healing Hypnosis session was, “Please do me a favor and don’t invite Jesus in for healing or anything like that. If you want to ask some of the Saints or some Angels to help or whatever that would be okay, just not Jesus.”

The comment seemed a bit harsh, and it was. I remember feeling a bit stunned. I didn’t remember any previous client making a statement like this or even anything close to it, but I could understand why he said it. I just nodded and said, “Okay.”

Jay came from a very large and very strict Catholic family. He went to Catholic schools and was required to attend every mass that his mother did and that seemed to be all of them. He felt like he was there nearly every day. He was an altar boy and truly disliked the ceremonies. He also had some very unpleasant things to say about the nuns in his school. They spanked and hit him frequently. He had no fond memories of the church at all.

However, as was his family’s tradition the day he turned 18 he was allowed to make up his own mind about his life and that also meant he was then allowed to choose his religious instruction or none at all. He described a glorious day of freedom. He never stepped foot in a Christian church again. It had been decades, and the resentment of his early life, although hidden from most who knew him presently, most certainly remained.

In the subsequent years, he took up yoga and eventually became an instructor. He studied Buddhism. He was friendly, athletic and funny. He smiled often and easily. He was having a session simply to learn more about himself, and perhaps more about his spiritual path. He had mentioned he was a regular meditator so I was hopeful for a deep and profound session, I was not to be disappointed.

Jay went deeply and easily into a trance state. When he entered the scene of his past life, he smiled broadly. These were the very first words that he said when I asked him what he saw:

Jay:(Laughing) I see a little baby Jesus in a manger.

Me: Oh! How do you know this baby is Jesus?

Jay: I can just feel it. Everything from the manger, to the happy moments, to the site, to the animals.

Nativity scene, Church of St. Catherine, Bethlehem

He continued to grin as he described the scene before him. Considering his one and only request concerning the session was NOT having Jesus invited to be in it, I was a bit taken aback at his reaction! I was also highly amused and knew the story that was going to play out here would be one I would never, ever forget and I was right.

Me: Tell me, what does the manger look like?

Jay: Two wooden X’s and almost like two pieces of plywood making a V shape, and hay streaming all over the place; looks like a thatched roof. There’s just a happy baby in there.

Me: And are there any other people there? 

Jay: The mother is there. Mary is there. It doesn’t seem like the birth day itself. She is just sitting to the side, fondly looking on.

(A QHHT Christmas Story….To be continued….)

-For more information about QHHT  and Dolores Cannon’s body of work, see DoloresCannonQHHT.com

-For information about Candace and her QHHT practice see newearthjourney.com

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright 2014 Candace Craw-Goldman. newearthjourney.com

Posted in Christ Consciousness, Dolores Cannon, qhht | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments

What is God’s Number?

The year was 2008. I had been practicing Dolores Cannon‘s method of hypnotic past life regression only a few months. As my client came off the cloud she said, “I must be making this up.”

I grinned to myself. I had heard this before and was not concerned. “Just tell me what you see, what you are experiencing.”

“I really MUST be making this up!” She said again. I watched her face twist around in confusion.

I grinned even more. This was the second session for my friend Nancy and in the previous one she had visited a crystal city on another planet somewhere else in the universe. She had already had an “out-of-this-world” experience that would be hard for many to believe. What could possibly have her questioning what was happening this time?

“Well, I am just standing here looking….at JESUS!”

Nancy probably was making the statement that she did because she did not consider herself Christian. Spiritual, yes, and I would say profoundly so, but if anything she was more aligned with the Buddhist faith than the Christian faith so the image and presence of the Christ was surprising to say the least.  I gently assured her all was well and the session continued in a most wonderful way. Jesus was kind and warm and personable and began to have a very deep conversation with her, and assisted her with questions and her search for understanding and knowledge of her self and her purpose and her off-planet origins.

My personal favorite part of session (beyond bathing in the crystal clear and beautiful Christ Conscious energy which is always astonishingly available to all facilitators, and immensely powerful) was actually highly amusing.

At one point while Nancy was deep in the middle of conversing with Jesus, my cell phone lit up as it was on ‘silent mode’ and I glanced at it. I saw that it was my daughter calling and that she left a voice mail.  I usually keep my phone nearby as my best “clock” to keep note of the time. I did wonder why she called though. She was well aware I was in session and would not pick up the phone.

At precisely the exact time that call came in, Nancy burst out laughing. She had been quiet and simply listening to Jesus speak. I almost jumped with both the phone and her outburst happening at the same time.

I asked her what was so funny. She said, “I didn’t know Jesus had such a great sense of humor. He just said “Now that we have connected and have a personal relationship, you can talk to me anytime you wish. You have my number!” Nancy found this very amusing, as if she needed a telephone and his actual telephone number to talk to him.

Conceptual Design Element

The session continued in an extraordinary way. Every session where Jesus is in attendance is extraordinary! (see my previous blog article Jack, Jesus, and Jouncing Walls.)

The most interesting part of this story for me personally happens a couple of hours later, after Nancy left. I was out running errands and suddenly remembered my daughter’s call and voicemail. I stopped in a parking lot to listen to her message rather than just replay the recording while driving, which turned out to be a very good idea.

Here was her message:

“Mom, I know you are in session and will not answer the phone. I also know that despite that, I know am absolutely supposed to call you right NOW, at this very moment. I am standing in the UT university library and a book practically fell off the shelf and almost hit me on the head. I am checking this book out and bringing it home for YOU to read. This is not for me, I know this, this is for YOU. So I am not sure why you are supposed to know this and right now at this very moment but you DO. It is small book, looks interesting. Its about sacred geometry and the title of the book is “What is God’s NUMBER?”

You just can’t make this stuff up. And it happens all the time with Quantum Healing Hypnosis!

Nancy Wesson actually had three QHHT sessions in total with me, two in 2008 and a third in 2011 and has recently taken Dolores’ online class to learn how to facilitate sessions herself. I am so happy to have her join our QHHT Family!

Nancy will be joining us TONIGHT on Julia Cannon’s Metaphysical Hour BBS radio show to talk about this session and more. Just click the link in this sentence to join us LIVE 5pm Pacific, 7pm Central Time December 12, 2014. Or find the show in the archives at a later date.

-For information about Candace and her QHHT practice see newearthjourney.com

-For more information about QHHT and and Dolores Cannon’s body of work, see DoloresCannonQHHTcom

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright 2014 Candace Craw-Goldman. newearthjourney.com

Posted in Uncategorized | 12 Comments

Jack, Jesus, and Jouncing Walls

Definition of the word “Jounce” – To move joltingly or roughly up and down; bounce. A jouncing movement.
Jack called me from an oil field way up North. Literally. He was standing outside in the wind and said he had just made the decision to make a trip to Kansas to see me for a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session and he wasn’t going to wait another moment. He had been thinking of doing this for quite a while and once the decision was made, he didn’t even want to wait to get inside his truck before booking his appointment. He told me everything changed once he started reading Dolores Cannon’s books several years ago. He had thought about calling for a session for literally years. I smiled. I have heard that claim and statement before.

When he walked into my wellness studio I was struck how really big and burly this man was. He truly looked the part of the rugged outdoorsman. He had long curly hair and wayfarer sunglasses and sat down in my armchair nearly making it seem silly and small for his frame.

Jack had been diagnosed bipolar and was finding life difficult even with the medications he was prescribed to help that condition. He also had questions about his relationship with his wife and…his “personal” relationship with Jesus.

We talked for a while and then prepared for the hypnosis part of the session. He’d certainly been waiting a long time. The air seemed ripe and ready for wondrous and amazing things. We were not to be disappointed.

The first vision presented to Jack in his session was one of a tropical beach. Turquoise blue calm water, white sands and his (current life) family was enjoying the peace and quiet and relaxing ocean waves. Jack found himself swimming shortly thereafter, out to a buoy. He climbed aboard and the buoy began to take him out to sea, way out, away from the beach and land. He realized soon that a chain was attached to his leg. It was securely fastened to the buoy.

The buoy carried him far out into the water. He soon saw boats and ships on the horizon. He ended up floating to a large vacation type cruise liner and then people on the ship tossed him ropes and hauled him up onboard.

In the next scene of Jack’s session he seemed to be in a misty grey place, not sure where he was nor what was happening. We asked for his primary guide to assist him at that point. That’s when the tears began and the energy in the room shifted to such a tremendous degree that I could feel it myself in my own physical body. I’ve felt this before and its quite astonishing. Its almost like the barometric pressure literally changes. One of these days I will put a barometer near my session daybed and see if it records an actual physical change. I was prepared to have Jack tell me an archangel or the Christ himself was standing before him. He was quietly crying, trying not to sob when he told me that yes, Jesus himself had appeared.

I asked him to describe the being before him and he did. Tall with long and brownish hair, he was wearing a simple linen robe and holding out his hand. They began to speak to each other.

The conversation between the two of them was so beautiful and filled with incredible love and acceptance from the Christ. Almost always when Jesus appears in a session he brings a gift and almost always, that gift is placed within the client’s heart. This session was to be no exception to that rule. Jack literally held out his hand during this part of the regression and, after some hesitation, accepted the offered gift and placed it within his own heart. When I asked Jack what the gift was, the answer came in an astonished whisper “It was the human heart of Jesus. He gave me his human heart.”

At one point during this exchange with Jesus I literally felt the walls and the building shake. It shook so hard that I actually heard some sand/grit fall from the brick walls and ceiling tiles. At the time, in the back of my mind, I thought maybe it was a train passing nearby and it must have been carrying a heavy payload. I hadn’t heard a train blow its horn, and I hadn’t heard any train go by, but that isn’t unusual either. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Sessions can be intense and all encompassing not only for the client but also for the practitioner and outside noises or activity rarely interfere in any way.

Later when I asked Jack about the walls moving even though he was in a deep trance state he too was aware of the building shaking. He said it felt like the walls were literally twisting and bouncing as the sand and grit rained down.

In Quantum Healing Hypnosis we ask the High Self to come forth to explain and deepen the understanding of the experiences presented, so in Jack’s case, we asked for clarification about the tropical/ocean scene and conversation with Jesus. It pays not to guess about these matters, but simply to ask the wisdom of the High Self to clearly state why the client experienced what they did.

The scene at the beach was not literal but symbolic. For example, Jack choosing to swim out into the ocean was symbolic of travel and adventure and expansion of self. The chain on his leg? One might be tempted to guess that was his wife or something or someone else holding him down, but the High Self explained that the chain was symbolic of Jack himself. He was holding himself back from expansion.

The buoy? That actually symbolised the relationship with his wife and was shown to him to let him know that she and he could travel and expand their lives successfully together. How incredibly lovely this was to hear, especially when you consider the very old and insulting symbol of a wife being called a “ball and chain.”

The meeting with Jesus was of course profoundly emotional and indeed necessary for Jack to expand beyond what had been his current version of himself as an “unworthy sinner.”

After the session a visibly moved Jack wiped his eyes and said, “For quite some time now I wasn’t even sure if I really believed in God anymore. But there was absolutely no doubt in my mind when Jesus handed me his human heart and I grabbed it. I held it with so much intensity that I did not want to let it go. I even had a hard time giving it to myself, placing in my own heart. The emotional part of that experience was just so overwhelming.” I agreed that it was incredibly powerful, even for me as an observer. The sessions where The Christ is in attendance are my favorite sessions of all! And the way the building moved at the same time just seemed like it could not have been a coincidence. I really had not ever felt the floors and walls of my studio shake like they did during that session. It was like the earth itself moved while Jack and Jesus were together.

A much different Jack left the studio than the one who had arrived. He admitted that felt a little unmanly and embarrassed by all the tears but I assured him that no one has a “Jesus session” without tears, not any man, not any client, and not even me who just was blessed to be able to be in attendance. He said as he walked out the door that he felt it was a powerful experience and he now felt a sense of peace and connection that had been missing from his life.

I asked him to keep in touch and let me know how he was doing. I didn’t have to wait long I actually got the following message and photograph the next morning.

Hi Candace

I have tried to focus on my experience with Jesus and I have indeed been successful. When I relive the experience in my head the same overwhelming love and emotion comes back full force. Tears are rolling down my cheeks again even now. Thanks for a truly unique experience.

I wanted to tell you what happened this morning. I went to a catholic church and was inspired to take a photo of the Christ and the chalice. Here is the photo:


Once the photograph was taken you can see this amazing big ball of beautiful white light, right under the cross and on top of the Chalice. It wasn’t there when I took the picture or for the naked eye. I didn’t have a flash on my phone camera, and there was no light like this visible at all in the church, but there it is in the photo. Pretty cool, isn’t it?

Cool indeed and powerful. Here is something else cool and powerful: The shaking of the building during the session? It wasn’t a train. It was an earthquake whose center was about 50 miles from my Wellness Studio. The earth shook literally at the exact same time Jack had his incredible meeting with Jesus. It registered 4.8 on the richter scale and it was the strongest earthquake recorded in the state of Kansas in 140 years.

-For information about Candace and her QHHT practice see newearthjourney.com

-For more information about QHHTand Dolores Cannon and to find a practitioner see DoloresCannonQHHT.com

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright 2014 Candace Craw-Goldman. newearthjourney.com


Posted in Christ Consciousness, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Regression | Tagged , , , , , | 10 Comments

You CAN do this. You can. A QHHT Promise.

“You CAN do this. You can. I promise you can. And Dolores promises, too.”


Candace Craw-Goldman and Dolores Cannon have some lunch between class sessions.

I said those words umpteen times on Tuesday of this week as 148 of her brand new students gathered in groups of three to prepare to spend the next day practicing what they learned the days before. One person would be the “client.” One would be the “hypnotist.” One would be an observer and then they’d rotate. The doubts centered around the first two in that list, I gather everyone considered themselves a capable observer, but many wondered at their ability to facilitate a QHHT session or relax into a trance state.

I reassured them the best I knew how. Mostly I told them stories of what I have seen and witnessed by those who were regressed by first time practitioners. 

Your miracle is just as real as if Dolores herself regressed you. I promise! Each of these 148 lovely people who had come from 14 countries to learn Quantum Healing Hypnosis spent the 4th day of their 5 day training performing her amazing healing and transformation technique for the very first time. Yesterday they shared their stories and experiences with each other. Soon some of them will share these stories with their family and friends and perhaps even the world. When they gathered yesterday morning the first thing Dolores asked them was how many of them experienced healing, and a whopping 75% raised their hands.

I am not at all surprised. I have had the pleasure and honor to be at many such classes and to hear many of these stories and watch the joyous aftermath and celebration.

You, every one of you humans out there reading this article, is far more powerful than you have ever been led to believe. Dolores’ method of QHHT allows you to tap into that power, ask questions, request healing, or knowledge or peace or balance and be granted exactly that.

Some of the “students” I was assisting on Tuesday had their doubts. A couple of them, knowing that I have practiced QHHT for more than 6 years now, wanted me to “help” them by attending their practice sessions, to help assure their or their partner’s success.

This is not how QHHT works. I was not about to interfere with the discovery of their sovereign selves and the power available to them.

Dolores’ method gives anyone who takes her class all the tools needed to help guide their client to access miracles. Even the very first time they try. What is needed and necessary is an open heart, an open mind and a willingness to ALLOW for the method to work as it was created to work. And both the client and the facilitator need to do these things by the way. That’s why a hypnotherapy degree is not necessary. That’s why years of experience or licensing or thousands of dollars or years of training is simply not necessary. This power is a human birthright. We have simply forgotten we have access to it, and QHHT helps us make, or remake, that connection to the Higher Self.

So you might be wondering, what about that level 2 QHHT class or the Recommended Practitioners, why are they offered at all, if all that is needed is the first class?

The answer is very simple. Think of it like any other skill you might have learned for the first time and how with practice, dedication and some follow on training you became even more skilled. Maybe it was tennis. You spent 5 days at an intensive training camp and at the end of that period you were sufficiently  trained to have fun, play and call yourself a tennis player for the rest of your life. And if you really really enjoyed it you might take more lessons, and so on. Follow on QHHT training is just like that. After Level 1 you have all the skills you need to be an effective practitioner and will only get better with more practice. If you choose, there is more training and programs available to help you, become more proficient and hone your skills for the benefit of your future clients, but only if you want it.

Anyone can learn Quantum Healing Hypnosis. Thousands have around the globe and are out there helping others every day. It can be learned in a 5 day class or with the same curriculum online.

-For more information about QHHT and classes and Dolores Cannon’s body of work, see DoloresCannon.com

-For information about Candace and her QHHT practice see newearthjourney.com

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright 2014 Candace Craw-Goldman. newearthjourney.com

Posted in Dolores Cannon, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Dividing Lines

Life can be so surreal.

Last week and this week at the Holiday Inn in Springdale Arkansas, while the Tyson company was doing its Tyson things nearby, and the Walmart group was being as Walmart as possible in the room next door, we were with Dolores Cannon talking about Quantum Healing Hypnosis and the miracles we have been blessed to see and the miracles possible for all.

Maybe its just me, but the contrast of our focus and the other types of activities nearby took my breath away. Mind you, I freely admit and share with you now that on my way to Arkansas I stopped at a Walmart outside of Coffeeville Kansas to buy a memory chip for my video camera.  I also suspect that the chicken served at lunch by the hotel was provided by Tyson, so the statement is not a judgement as much as one of simple observation.

Those in the conference room with Dolores Cannon just seem to live in a completely different world than those in the conference rooms next door. More than just a 4 inch sliding panel separates these worlds.

And yes, for those wondering about the very “traditional” conference room setting choice, it will indeed be far more comfortable to have QHHT classes at the planned Cannon Metaphysical University in the future. Window light, organic vegan and vegetarian food, fresh air and the peace and quiet of the country will be far more supportive to this work.  I look forward to working in those new surroundings in the future!

Sneakers from above.

Have you watched this division of people happening around you lately? I certainly have. It’s interesting to watch. Sometimes it’s heartbreaking, because sometimes friends and family are suffering and we have front row seats to their pain.

Many of us are purposefully disengaging from debate and dissonance. I know arguing and debating (and force) has long been the way humans have created their world, but it really does not have to be that way any longer. Yes, there will be those that will reply that pacifism or “sticking your head in the sand” is not the way to advance human evolution and our society and I would also agree those are extremes as well. But not engaging and reveling in the fear and doomsday headlines of mainstream media and reliving and replaying pointless political discourse is not sticking your head in the sand, its recognition of an endless and ridiculous manipulative game perpetuated by those agreeing with and continuing to play.

I’m done with that. And so many others are as well. There really are other ways to look at conflict resolution and evolution of the human spirit!

Inelia Benz wrote a newsletter article about this today in a very insightful way. I have copied and pasted it below, but you can find out more about Inelia at her website, ascension101.com

Here is her newsletter:

In 2011 a separation occurred in the human collective. Those who wanted to have a fear free, empowered, aware, awake reality of physical incarnation, and those who didn’t. Gaia has actively been pushing for a physical separation that is done through time, three generations, and is trauma free and gentle. We, the human collective, however, have been pushing for a fast and furious separation.

Various people, and environments I find myself in, have mentioned WWIII, and other doomsday scenarios.  I am presently in various conversations via email, txt, physical and at WalkWithMeNow.com, about this topic.

It appears, very strongly, that a fast physical separation of realities is being chosen by our collective. How this comes about, well, that’s what we are playing with at the moment. What we are deciding on.

Most of the people on Earth will interpret and manifest the choice depending on what is real to them. What choices they see as real.

One thing to remember is that no one chooses for us, or chooses us, there is no chosen people. No targeted people. It is each person who chooses for themselves. If you are working on yourself, you have chosen an empowered reality, it is that simple.

I’ve lived through close encounters with doomsday timelines before. And that’s certainly one way we could do this, but what I sense now is a strong “collision” with a timeline of vibrational physical separation.

This may play out in war and violence and billions of deaths, or may play out in ways we cannot even start to imagine, but are open to “that or better”.

What we have been doing, identifying resonance, dissonance, is exactly this. We are splitting the worlds. We are at an advantage in that we do it consciously. But everyone is at it in some form or other. (This months MP3 Detoxify Your Life Now discusses resonance and dissonance in great depth)

It is easy to be sucked into a battle field. The energy of the savior, the martyr, the soldier, the warrior, the commander, is strong in some of us here. But it implies a lowering of vibration, as all war and conflict is low vibrational by nature. If you do feel pulled in, to save, protect, others, I would suggest to examine the energy of the “guardian” instead. Not the weaponized guardian, but the guardian like an impenetrable wall energy. No consequences to who tries to trespass, just an impossibility of getting through.

We are bridges for people to pass through into the new paradigm. But it appears that soon, many of us will become a wall to stop the old paradigm from polluting the new. A wall that is so clear, so awake that cannot be infused with, manipulated, or corrupted by programs or judgments, or temptations.

Or maybe not ;)

The physical separation is really up on the human collective mind right now. I would say, for now, just observe it.

As I observe it, and this is something that is coming out in the Interview with a Psychic Assassin book, there is a third option manifesting. It’s so outside of our reality scale that it needs to be observed.

Basically, light and dark can and do exist without the other. In fact, that’s the only way they can exist. We can see both because there is both existing separately from each other in our world. There is also a reality where neither exists.

And something that is just appearing in our awareness, is a reality where they both exist as One. Not light and dark making grey, but making a color that is not in our spectrum. Not a reality where they neutralize or mesh, but where a new element emerges.

The urge to separate to different realities seems to be somehow related to the emergence of this new vibration. It is almost like if we don’t separate now, we will be all gobbled up into the new element and that is so unknown, so different, so “not human” that we are pushing our choice hard now. Do you feel fear? Fear could be a  pull to familiar surrounds.

Do we feel a desire to find out more? A way, perhaps to explore where other’s have not gone before.

The only way we can stay clear, and keep our choice conscious, is to actively pursue resonance, and actively not engage in dissonance.

In joy/light/love,
  – Inelia
Posted in Are you AWAKE or ASLEEP, Become Sovereign!, Events, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Reality | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

How to Choose a QHHT Practitioner that is Right for You.

Every day I get calls and emails from around the world from people who would like me to help them find a QHHT Practitioner that is right for them. I am happy to help as I do know many practitioners both personally and professionally. That being said, here are some questions you can ask and some things you can think about to help you choose the right person yourself.

1. Do they have a website? Most who take their practice seriously do. Also, do visit the website and have a look around. How is the information presented and how does the site itself make you feel? If the site is busy and haphazard, perhaps so is that person. On the other hand, If the site is serene and welcoming, perhaps so is she and her office.

2. Is there a phone number provided? I suggest at least a few minutes live telephone chat if possible. You can get a real feel for a person through their voice and interaction in this way. How do you FEEL when talking to the prospective practitioner?

3. Will the session be held in an office setting or in the practitioner’s home? Neither one is inherently better than the other, but you might have a personal preference. If it is in an office you might find out if there are others who share the office space. If it is in a home, you might ask if there is a dedicated space reserved just for sessions. You might also ask if there are pets. This could either comfort you or distract you depending on how much you enjoy animals.

4. Is extensive experience necessary for a practitioner to facilitate a successful session? Not necessarily. Certainly experience can be and is valuable. How long has the practitioner been practicing QHHT? Most newly trained practitioners gain experienced by performing free or greatly reduced priced sessions. Many of them are quite enthusiastic and have excellent results! You can and should ask what kind of sessions and what kind of results your prospective practitioner and their clients have had, no matter how many sessions they have had.

5. Is your Practitioner taking advantage of Dolores’ offerings of continuing education by attending her advanced level classes or being a member of the Dedicated Practitioner Online Forum Community? Dedicated Practitioners have the benefit of a thriving and knowledgeable worldwide group of QHHT Practitioners and more than several years of archived information to broaden their knowledge. Dolores’ new program of Recommended Dedicated Practitioners have proven that they have extensive experience in her method and practice just exactly as Dolores Cannon teaches.

6. How can you know if your practitioner practices as Dolores teaches if they are not officially recommended? I am often asked this question. Its not a bad question to directly ask a prospective practitioner. Their answer may surprise you.

7. A proper QHHT session takes several hours from start to finish. If you see a QHHT session advertised as something that takes only 1 or 2 hours to complete, please know this is not, and cannot be a proper QHHT as Dolores has taught her students. A proper session can take 4 or 5 hours, and sometimes even more. There are not abbreviated “versions” of QHHT and it is not offered in parts and pieces.

8. Does the practitioner offer sessions over the telephone or skype? This is strictly prohibited as far as Dolores Cannon is concerned. All QHHT sessions are performed in person only.

9. Your session should be digitally recorded for you. Every practitioner does this a bit differently. Some use USB sticks. Some burn and mail cds. Most send links to downloadable files via email.

10. Will your practitioner be available to answer any questions you might have post-session? Can you call or email anytime in the future?

Hopefully some of these points and questions will help you if you are considering exploring or healing with Dolores Cannon’s method.

What other information would you like to learn about a practitioner before scheduling a QHHT session?

Candace Craw-Goldman

Managing Director

Dolores Cannon’s QHHT Support Forum



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Ebola: Real or Fear Porn?

The following blog by Laura Bruno has some wonderful points about this subject. I have copied and pasted part of her article below and the link to the full blog.

Most of that New Age mumbo jumbo is (intentional) rubbish, designed to distract and steer you away from real wisdom when you get too close to it. Ditto all the fear and taboos surrounding magic, astrology, energy work, occult symbols and rituals: the extreme association of such things with Satanic activities is to discourage good, would-be empowered white magicians and prayer warriors from claiming their own power to shift things through metaphysical means.

I’m well aware of most of the alternative news and metaphysical spokespeople congratulating themselves for having “seen through the Ebola psyop,” and I wholeheartedly agree that there’s a war on for your mind and emotions. Propaganda, casual hypnosis, Big Pharma profits, government control … they’re all there. In spades. But I’ve got to agree with the now maligned Mike Adams on this one: just because governments and corporations plan to exploit a manufactured crisis doesn’t mean they will skip the step of trying to initiate an actual crisis.”

Please consider reading this article and others that question the information you are being handed and consider that the mainstream and even alternate news sources have agendas.

Laura Bruno on the Ebola Scare.

Believe and STAY in your own personal power!


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Blogging about ET encounters…am I crazy?

Sherry Wilde is one of Dolores Cannon’s authors. Her book, “The Forgotten Promise” is about her ET experiences. Many of my QHHT clients come to me for this reason. It is far more common than you might imagine. Sherry details her experience clearly and matter-of-factly. This is REAL folks and as Sherry says, if you open your OWN mind to this, you will raise your consciousness and indeed, that of our collective humanity!

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