Life Beyond the Veil

In less than an hour I will be a guest of my friend and Medium Extraordinaire, Pamela Aaralyn on her live Spreecast event to talk about all things that happen beyond physical death. The “veil” really is thinning for all of us! There is so much to talk about.

The date of the show is April 28, 2016 at 10am MT, 11am CT and it will be a live event but recorded. Click the link below to listen live or to the archived version.

Life Beyond the Veil

Last night my house was filled to the brim with excited spirits and my dreams were also focused on the subject. I am not “normally” aware of these kinds of spirits, but holy moly, it was like a party at my house!


I was dreaming of a woman who was teaching or instructing how to communicate with our departed loved ones and others when a painting (of Metatron’s cube) fell off the wall in my real “physical” home and awoke me from the dream. But laying there, the dream didn’t end, it simply layered itself over my waking state. Even sitting up. Even with the light on.

I went out to see what had crashed in the other room and by then was quite awake. I opened my computer, mostly just to see what time it was, and noticed a new communication from my friend Kathleen McGowan on her “Life Conquers Death” facebook page. It was the introduction of a newly published book on Orbs by Nancy Myers- one that focuses on life after life, just the subject we will discuss today! I plan on reading and reviewing her book soon.

I found myself sending Nancy a message and noted the time, 3:33am.

Its going to be a fascinating program today. I hope you join us!

Permission to share this blog freely given, as long as it remains complete with all links attached. Copyright Candace Craw-Goldman 2016.

Posted in After Death Communication, Are you AWAKE or ASLEEP, Candace Craw-Goldman, Consciousness, Dolores Cannon, Dreams, Life After Death, Reality, Regression, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Ancient Entanglements

I have been practicing Dolores Cannon’s method of Quantum Healing for nearly 8 years. In that time I have had dozens of clients that leave my Wellness Studio beaming and claiming they will be writing a book about their experiences. Well- Milena Oliver is one client who finally finished her book and published it!

AncientEntanglements front cover only

You can find the book on Amazon HERE

Milena Oliver is a QHHT explorer and a Wave II Volunteer, as described in Dolores Cannon’s book, “The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth”. She is the author of “Ancient Entanglements” and the forthcoming book, “Living in the Light Vibration”, a manual for awakening through vibrational and energetic change.

“Ancient Entanglements” is the story of an unexpected journey through a QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique process facilitated by Candace Craw-Goldman. It inspired the first of a as-yet-to-be-created video series called “See a Red Bird”

With intent to get to the bottom of a childhood filled with fears and unexplained memories of extraterrestrials, the author instead journeys to an ancient intergalactic world on the brink of war. Its inhabitants reveal the difficult choices the civilization has to make as well as limitless possibilities for a peaceful and luminous future for all beings near and far. The QHHT session also takes Milena to her Arcturian home a world that has changed dramatically from its origins because of the war. Through her journey information is shared about why Ascension on earth is so critical in our lifetime.


Milena will join me on New Earth Journey Radio March 15, 2016 at 7m Central Time. All shows are archived on BBS Radio, Itunes and YouTube.

milena oliver episode 18 NEJ edit is Milena’s website.

Permission to share this blog article is granted as long as all of the information and links remain intact and unchanged. Copyright 2016 Candace Craw-Goldman 

Candace practices QHHT in her Wellness Studio in Kansas. She Assisted Dolores Cannon for many years before her passing and was recommended by her personally. Candace has created her own REMOTE Quantum Healing Process that is Personalized for YOU specifically for those who desire assistance long-distance.

Find out more about Dolores Cannon, Quantum Healing and find a qualified QHHT Practitioner near you by visiting


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Christmas 2015

It’s been quite the year, 2015.

And yet, as transformative as the rest of the year has been, and even in the midst of global, community and even personal uncertainty, the Christmas season brings with it gifts of the comfort of the familiar.

Jesus Christ, Jeshua, Easa, the Christ Consciousness…. make appearances in QHHT Sessions sometimes in surprising ways. In this Quantum Healing with Candace episode Candace talks about Dolores’ two Jesus books and then reads three “Jesus” QHHT stories from her own practice to celebrate Christmas!

In the first story- a man finds himself worthy and reclaims his love for not only Jesus, but for his wife and marriage.

In the second story we find out that Jesus has a sense of humor and a great sense of timing too!

In the third and final story we hear an amazing Christmas story from one of the actual participants of the Nativity itself!

To find out more about Candace and her practice visit

To find a Qualified QHHT Practitioner near you or learn about Dolores Cannon visit

Posted in Candace Craw-Goldman, Christ Consciousness, Dolores Cannon,, Quantum Healing with Candace, Regression | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Dolores Cannon: One Year Beyond the Veil

It’s been a whole year since Dolores Cannon died. At the time of her death she and her work were more popular than ever. She was on the brink of releasing her 18th book. She had just completed teaching a series of courses that included the largest live Quantum Healing Hypnosis Level 1 class in history. There were more than 120 people in attendance. It was amazing to be there to witness the packed auditorium and the standing ovation she got just walking down the aisle that first morning. Almost exactly one month after completing those courses, Dolores Cannon passed away, Oct 18th, 2014.

Dolores Cannon 1931-2014

Dolores Cannon 1931-2014

Much has transpired in the world, and in the world of QHHT- since Dolores made her transition. It is very clear to me, and to others whose passion it is to carry on with her work and mission, that her energy is still very present and she is still communicating and assisting humanity in her own unique way.

For many years I have gotten phone calls and emails from people who can barely contain their excitement about discovering Dolores and her work. But the interesting thing is this- since Dolores’ passing more people than ever are making those calls, usually saying something along the lines of, “I just discovered her. I just now found out about her work and then I learned she passed away!”

The disappointment in their voice is palpable. They often say “In my whole life I have never read material that rang so true to my heart. I feel so connected to her. I would have come to see Dolores speak. I would have tried to have a session with her. Now she is gone and I am too late.”

I’d like to gently suggest it’s not at all too late to make a genuine connection with the great lady. As a matter of fact I, and many others, see plenty of evidence that shows it’s actually easier to connect with her now, from her current state and focus, than it was when she was earth-bound. Dolores Cannon is forging ahead with her unique talent of information discovery and communication- and she is bigger and more present than ever.

Humans are waking up to our multidimensional and expanded self; the one that can, at certain times, access information from other realms, other dimensions and from those great beings, like Dolores, who are on the other side of the veil. I have also been getting phone calls and emails from people who have been directly contacted by Dolores in dreams and meditations and in other ways. They usually start those conversations with, “You won’t believe this, but…wait, maybe you would!” Yes, I usually do absolutely believe them. The messages Dolores has been delivering to people, some who never even heard of her until she has communicated to them, are varied of course, but they are always encouraging, and uplifting and often humorous.

But, those of us still existing in physical bodies still acutely miss her human self. I know I sure do. For those of you who never had a chance to be in her presence I offer some of my own favorite moments below so that you can get a glimpse of the ‘ordinary’ woman who continues to make an ‘extra-ordinary’ impact.

I remember the first time I saw Dolores Cannon in person. It was July, 2008. She was walking into the hotel conference room at the Fayetteville, Arkansas Holiday Inn, ready to begin teaching her method of past life regression now referred to as QHHT.

It wasn’t a large class, there were maybe 25 of us who had come to learn from the great master, but a definite hush came over us as she slowly walked to the front of the room where her table was set up. She was one of those people who changed the energy of the room when she walked in. She was absolutely aware that she had this affect on people but she was not at all smug about it. Dolores never walked anywhere quickly, at least as long as I knew her.

Dolores would sit in her chair and slowly look around her table, making sure all that she required was nearby. Her glass of water, her class bell, her little clock to keep an eye on the time. She did bring a small folder but it mostly contained letters from others she might want to read to the class. Her mind was as sharp as a tack and she didn’t need reminding or recall of her own work and research. She would not be rushed. Not then, and not ever, was Dolores Cannon rushed or frazzled.

This part of her routine was almost like a ritual. She would touch and ever so minutely re-arrange each item in front of her, acknowledging its presence but also re-adjusting their alignment and distance. The water glass needed to be here, the clock set off just so. All the while her class would respectfully watch and wait for her to be ready to acknowledge that they were there.

Dolores Cannon with her class (cardinal) bell.

Dolores Cannon with her brass cardinal bell.

When Dolores was sure she had all she needed- she would then look up and take a great big breath, sigh and smile and say simply, “Okay. I think I have everything.” It was only then she would begin to look up at who was in front of her and begin to speak.

Dolores knew how to command the attention from a room. She had an amazing memory and could rattle off story after story after story. She could recount session after session and I have memories of her quoting exact PAGES in her books for people to look up specific information. Sometimes she would answer a big general question from the audience like, “Dolores how did life on Earth begin” by first shaking her head and laughing and referencing an entire book, “Didn’t you read my book, Keepers of the Garden? Its all in there!”

Dolores was measured and patient in telling and retelling her stories. She was an expert in weaving together history and various subjects. She never prepared notes to give a lecture. She didn’t need to.

Dolores could also be very blunt at times, especially in classes. She did not often bow down to political correctness and most of us excused her if and when she did not. She had no fear of putting someone acting foolishly in his or her place. She was strong and opinionated, but at the same time, given reason and proof to change her stated opinion, she would do so and claim that knowledge needed to grow and wisdom was at work to create that expansion.

On stage, on the radio or in video Dolores was a star and a fountain of information flowing forth. She was a perfect combination of regal queen, tough investigator, pragmatic researcher and approachable grandmother.  A true consummate storyteller, she regaled her audiences with fantastic tales and extraordinary discoveries. Her delivery was infectious and her timing impeccable.

Off stage, Dolores showed another side. When she wasn’t “on” she talked about the ordinary things in life like we all do. She gave me the great honor of allowing me to assist her in class her last couple years so I was able to be there for many ordinary moments.

She worked almost every waking moment. How could she not? Doing all of those sessions, writing all of those books. But she would ask me frequently if I was resting and having fun. She would ask me if I made time to ride my horses. I told her I tried but I just stayed so busy. She would laugh and remind me to take time for myself to rest. I once chided her that I bet she didn’t do much of that herself. She just smiled. I asked her what she liked to do if she wasn’t researching or writing. She said she liked to make soups in her kitchen, and she liked to watch some tv while she was editing books.

One Dolores story in particular I am fond of recalling happened during a small, advanced QHHT class a couple of years ago. We were all waiting for her to appear and having refreshments. I brought a bottle of kombucha, a fermented drink and I was having trouble opening the overly tight cap of the bottle. Each person in the room tried to open that bottle and had no luck when Dolores walked in and noticed our trouble. She said, “Candace, come here, I’ll open that bottle for you.” Now normally it’s the younger people who open bottles for 80 year-old people, but I handed Dolores my drink wondering what in the world she had in mind. She walked over to the door of the small hotel conference room we were in and said, “Now watch this and you won’t ever have a problem opening a bottle again.” She put the cap between the door and the jam, closed the door tightly on the cap and instantly turned it loose and opened the bottle. “Here you go.” She handed me the cap and my kombucha with a smile. I believe the whole room applauded.

Dolores was always interested in the snacks and meals provided for her students. She particularly liked sweets and desserts and made it her business to know if there were leftovers treats like cookies. She would suggest to people they take handfuls or armfuls with them on their way out, she did not want to see them go to waste.

At mealtimes, in a groups, when it is normal for someone sitting there to be telling a story, Dolores sometimes would be like the excited little kid who shifted and squirmed waiting for the person to be finished because she wanted to make sure to have her own story heard. I was always tickled to see that from her. The beloved author who’d written so many books for the world, read by millions would sometimes innocently interrupt the other’s story so she could hurry up and share hers so no one would miss out hearing about the adventure she had or the extraordinary thing she discovered.

Dolores Cannon was a trailblazer extraordinaire. She wasn’t afraid of tackling the big subjects, life’s great mysteries, the taboo topics. She approached them with her great curiosity and razor sharp mind. But Dolores was indeed the sweet grandmotherly person she appeared to be, and that was no act. So many memories of her will forever be etched upon my mind as we continue walking on in her very large footsteps.

Dolores’ life had such amazing balance. A large family at home and a large family of students. She traveled the world many times over, feeling happy, comfortable and safe everywhere, but still glad to return home. Famous yet humble. Tough as nails but as caring as the great-grandmother she was. You get the idea. She is missed by so many.

So on the anniversary of her passing we acknowledge her incredible courage and prolific discoveries but also honor her genuine humility and humanness and celebrate these small and ordinary moments that made her so endearing.

We love you Dolores.

Permission to share this blog article is granted as long as all of the information and links remain intact and unchanged. Copyright 2015 Candace Craw-Goldman

Find a qualified QHHT Practitioner near you by visiting

Posted in Candace Craw-Goldman, Dolores Cannon, qhht, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique | Tagged , , , , | 19 Comments

Becoming Your Higher Self

The door to the class (that starts September 21) by Heather Alice Shea is closing today! Heather says:

Becoming Your Higher Self isn’t just another process or training course. It’s a philosophy. It’s a new way of life.”

As someone who works in this world of consciousness exploration daily, I can honestly say that when I think about how humans are changing and evolving, I think about my friend Heather. I think about her experience and what she has learned, and what she so effectively, and sometimes quite humorously, teaches and inspires in others is exactly this connection with the greater aspect of ourselves that we are all moving toward as we evolve as a species. Heather is just able to help you put a turbo booster on getting to that place sooner, and perhaps with less effort or confusion!

Here is the youtube replay of my interview with Heather on NEJ BBS Radio:

You really can learn how to have consistent and reliable communication with your Higher Self!

As a reminder, even if the class is not right for you, or perhaps just not right at this time, I want to remind all of my New Earth Journey readers and listeners to New Earth Journey BBS Radio that Heather is offering a 25% off discount on personal coaching calls through the end of 2015. Thanks for being so generous Heather. You just rock.

Click here for more information!

Posted in Consciousness, Higher Self, New Earth Journey Radio | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Dolores Cannon – My Past Life Regression Session with the Master

It was a brilliantly clear, dark and starry sky the early morning I left to drive to northwest Arkansas for Dolores Cannon’s Past Life Regression class. I remember standing on our driveway mentally going over what I would need for the next five days. I was pretty sure I had packed everything necessary. I opened the back door of the pickup truck and tossed in my backpack.

That’s when time slowed. Waaaaaaaay down.

I watched the backpack leave my hands and arc into the back seat in extremely slow motion. As it inched slowly through midair I imagined the drive. I watched mile after mile of highway pass through the windows. I saw myself drinking coffee and putting fuel in the tank and divining the gas stations with the cleanest restrooms along the way. I felt myself standing at the hotel desk checking in, I heard the key release the lock of the room in which I would stay. I felt the stiff sheets of the springy bed with their faint chlorine smell and then saw the steam waft up from some random baked chicken lunch served banquet style for the group. I felt my hands pull on my sweater more tightly against the chilly air-conditioned classroom as I heard the sounds of paper rustling and the gentle clearing of one or two throats nearby. I watched a woman with presence get up from her chair in the front of the room and begin to walk towards me. And then I heard Dolores Cannon’s voice as clear as a bell in my head.

“Candace, would you be my demonstration subject?”

Thump. The backpack landed in a heap on the backseat. I did not move. I think I was holding my breath. Whoa. I mean WHOA. The “pre” story to how it was even possible for me to be standing in the driveway about to turn the ignition to begin this trip and journey was filled with magic and miraculous and nearly unbelievable events. Apparently, they were not yet over. I wasn’t able to move for a minute or two as I contemplated the scenes and especially the words in my head and the message I just received. I thought of little else the 9 hours it took to get to Fayetteville. I knew that Dolores Cannon was going to do a demonstration of her Past Life Regression technique for the class of those who gathered there to learn the method for themselves. I also knew she likely would be choosing that lucky person from the students taking the class and without the slightest shadow of a doubt knew that subject was going to be me. When I got to Arkansas and began to get to know my classmates I quickly learned that nearly everyone there was hoping to be chosen as the demonstration subject. Well of course they were. At the time Dolores’ waiting list for personal sessions was over a year.

As class began and the hours flew by, I paid very close attention and watched many of my classmates offer to be the demo subject during breaks or any time they were near Dolores. As I recall she would say to each in turn, “Okay, I’ll put your name in the hat!” Then she would write their name on a pad of paper she kept on the corner of her table. I started thinking I needed to tell her to put my name in the hat too, if I wanted the chance to be regressed by Dolores. I agonized over what to do. I had something like the following conversation going on in my head:

“You should walk up there and tell her you would be the demonstration subject too! How else will she know to possibly choose you? Just look at how many have offered. Is it half the class yet? At least that many. That means about 15 people have already told her they would do it. You need to add your name. “

Which would be followed by: “There is no need to offer whatsoever. This is absolutely your destiny. You know in your heart already you will be the one who has the honor of the experience. It doesn’t matter how many in the class offer. As a matter of fact the entire class could do so, and you would still be chosen.” Which would then be followed by:“Okay, but shouldn’t I give her my name? Just in case? What if I blow my opportunity by not doing that!” Which would then be followed by: “Trust this feeling. Have faith.”

Dolores stood up from her chair and table at the front of the room. “Okay, so now it is time to choose the demonstration subject for tomorrow’s regression session.” She walked around the table and came down through the row of chairs beaming and smiling at her admirers and students. She walked almost to the back of the room where I was sitting. “I know a lot of you wanted to be the demo and so many of you gave me your names to put in my hat. I do choose that way sometimes, I pick out a name using little pieces of paper.” She walked the last few steps to the last row of chairs. “But sometimes, ‘they’ just tell me who to choose.” She made the little quote gesture in the air as she said the word “they.” Often this is how Dolores described the “subconscious” or greater power that worked with her and her clients in her method. She stood next to my chair and looked down at me and asked, “Candace, would you be my demonstration subject?”

I immediately burst into tears. “Yes, Dolores, of course, I would be honored.” I remember the face of the gal who sat next to me. My roommate, who very much wanted that honor and had asked for it, and had known that I did not. “Surprise” didn’t quite measure up to describing her reaction. I barely slept that night I was so nervous and excited. What kind of past life would I have? Would I recall some sort of horrible life? What if I learned I had been a cruel dictator or had killed another human? The “what ifs” continued all night long. I prayed to my angels to comfort me, to guide me and to promise not to leave me for even one moment.

I finally gave up sleeping at about 4am and got showered and dressed. I spent the next couple of hours walking the hotel which was the Holiday Inn in Fayetteville off of Interstate 49. This hotel has an indoor pool and I just walked and walked around the lobby and pool area while my thoughts marinated in the smell of chlorine. Finally it was time for breakfast. I met my classmates for coffee and watched the others eat the hotel food that I was too nervous to attempt to eat myself. Everyone there was so kind about my upcoming adventure. The last minutes ticked by slowly. As we gathered in the ballroom the tables were pushed towards the back of the room and the chairs were gathered around Dolores’ table and a rollaway bed was brought in for me to lay on during the session.

Oh my that bed! It is a big detail in my memory of the whole experience. It was ancient. It was squeaky and the springs were big and poked through the cheap and well used flattened mattress. Quite frankly, it was awful and extremely uncomfortable. As everyone was getting ready and Dolores was getting her equipment set up, she looked over and smiled, “Are you comfortable?” Dang. No, I actually was not. I settled for the honest answer of “I’m trying to be comfortable.” I found if I tried to lay on the upslope of the mattress which was flattened in the middle I could keep most of the springs out of my back, but if my weight moved to the middle I would be rudely poked. I wondered if this bed would ruin my whole experience!

At this point I had a couple of classmates walk up to me and squat and whisper words of encouragement and more. One lovely woman, a friend to this day, suggested I focus on my pineal gland or 3rd eye during the induction and gave me a hug and kiss for good luck. Another lovely very psychic soul came to me with wide eyes and hushed tones what she was currently witnessing in the room.

“Don’t be afraid about what I am going to tell you but you need to know this: There are angels here,” She whispered excitedly. “Now, I am used to seeing angels. I see them all the time, but what is happening here, right now is something that I have never seen in all of my years of clairvoyance. At first, when I became aware of the energies surrounding your bed, your head, I wasn’t sure of what I was seeing. As soon as I walked into the room I saw towering columns of golden light surrounding you. They are astoundingly large and there are so many of them. I was watching, and wondering what sort of energy I was seeing and thought that they were gathered here for us all. But then it became very clear. These are huge angelic presences and they are gathered for you and your session. They extend far beyond even these tall ballroom ceilings way up into the atmosphere.  They largest and strongest I have ever seen in my life, and more angels are here right now than I have ever personally witnessed gathering on any occasion!”

I will forever be grateful for the sharing of that information, it was indeed comforting, but it did not ease my nervousness! It actually made me even more wide-eyed and alert. I was about to be regressed by the world’s most experienced past life regressionist, I was apparently surrounded by giant angels and there was an audience of about 30 people gathered to see what would happen during the session. I seriously felt like I had just had one or two shots of espresso, and it did not seem, at the time, at all likely that I was about to enter a deep state of relaxation.

But of course that is exactly what happened.

I watched Dolores put a blank cassette tape into the recorder with some amusement. A cassette? This was 2008. Who used cassette recorders? Dolores Cannon did, that’s who. (And I believe she continued to do so for several more years even when there were few manufacturers left even making them.) She told me she would be making a copy and she would be mailing me my own cassette. Great, I thought. I don’t have anything that plays that ancient technology! But I still have that cassette. It is pictured below:

Cassette from my Dolores Cannon PLR.

Finally everyone was settled and we were ready to begin. I took a deep breath. I knew that my life was about to change. And I was right. In the first part of Dolores’ induction she asks you to “see a red bird” which is how and why our dear teacher is so often associated with red birds, and especially cardinals. She gets the client’s visual part of the brain working and then begins to have them relax and let go. Very quickly, my heart began to slow down, tension flowed out of my body and my arms and legs began to feel heavy.

As Dolores talked on, I became more and more relaxed. My mind became more and more focused and sort of just floated there expectantly, taking it all in. Curiously, or perhaps not, actually, my conscious awareness never left me. I knew at all times, that I had a physical body that was laying on an ancient rollaway bed in a ballroom in Fayetteville Arkansas, experiencing a regression session, even while I was taken to a very vivid past life experience.

This is rather an important point when one talks about Dolores Cannon and her method, and one I explore in more detail with my own clients. Being hypnotized, even deeply so, does not at all mean the same thing as being under anesthesia. Certainly some individuals experience clinical somnambulism, the sleepwalking state where little to nothing is recalled afterwards, but that percentage of people is actually quite small. Dolores did quite often say she took her clients to that state: somnambulism, but in time explained that her definition and the scientific and clinical one did not match completely. In Dolores Cannon’s definition of somnambulism, the client sees and feels everything as if they were actually there. They can smell, touch, taste and feel deep emotional states as if they were actually in that life, that body, that place. She stated that whether or not one recalled all the details afterward did not change her definition. And for many people the details do fade, just like a dream, even if they recall every bit of it at the time.

So something like a movie, or a detailed daydream began to transpire. It started with two Archangels, Michael and Raphael. With AA Michael on my left and AA Raphael on my right they picked up my elbows, and escorted me. At first I saw nothing at all, just felt movement. I even giggle a little bit at this point. I felt we were moving towards my left. This was funny to me because one of the primary goals of the session was to discover and heal the source of my physical body pain which was almost completely focused upon my left side. Then it felt as if we were going down towards the planet. They landed me safely on the ground, slowly and gently backed away from me and then just disappeared. I was left standing just a few feet from a red rocky face of a hill.

Dolores asked me what I saw. I told her I saw a rock “wall,” but it was not a man made wall, it was just the mountain. I saw there was an opening in the rock, a cave. I had some anxious feelings about what might be in store for me if I went into the cave and as I stood there in front of this cave opening I felt like I did not know enough about what was happening or what I was experiencing or “whom” exactly I was. I felt very…wispy. “Not quite there.”

Dolores just kept asking questions, and I just kept answering them. The more she asked, the less unsure I felt about the process or what was happening. I began to “settle” into the body into the story of the past life I was experiencing. Dolores asked me if I felt male or female, and what my body felt like. I looked down and was surprised to see big, red, hairy feet. I answered, “Rough and hairy.” I felt like I was some sort of early human, like a caveman and I was very hairy, a red colored hair, and I was absolutely male. Also, I was alone, and decided that the cave I was looking into was “mine.”

Now, at the same time I felt myself becoming more and more sure about what was happening in my past life experience I was also very much aware of laying on the rollaway bed in the hotel room. As a matter of fact I seemed to be hyper-aware of both places. I could hear clicks of ballpoint pens. I could hear paper rustling. One quite memorable moment I heard the doors open at the back of the room. Apparently, the hotel staff was bringing in more coffee or tea or something for the refreshment table. I felt the entire room turn toward the door and most of class wave their arms in unison as if to say, “please go.” I really heard and felt that arm wave. Yet I was laying down, had my eyes closed and I was also in another world.

Dolores was asking about my cave and I was telling her I lived there. She asked, “Well if you live here there is nothing to be afraid of, is there?” and I said, quite loudly,”There is always something to be afraid of!” I began to feel the extreme emotions of the caveman. Dolores continued to ask questions and I began to learn about myself as I answered them. I lived alone. I ate mostly fruit from the big trees but sometimes I ate small animals. I had a fire and I did cook meat but sometimes I was too hungry to wait to cook the meat through. My life was very basic. Eat and try not to be eaten. I had to be very careful about the animals outside who wanted to eat me.

My days consisted of staying as safe as possible, usually in the cave, until I was too hungry and weak to stay much longer and I would have to go out to eat. I think there was a season for fruits but when the weather changed the main food was animals. The days where I would be unsuccessful in hunting and I would come back to the cave even weaker and my stomach hurt a lot from hunger.

There were “others like me” nearby but I was ostracized. One of the reasons was that I was the “wrong” color. Most of the others were dark brown in color. I was quite red and that made me very suspect. I also had “ideas” about how to try to trap or catch animals that which the other cave people did not understand nor approve. I lived alone because I looked different and I thought about solving problems in a different way that was not accepted by the others. At this point I began crying. My stomach hurt. My actual stomach laying in the ballroom hurt and my caveman stomach too. I was crying not only because my stomach hurt but because of the sometimes difficult job of simple survival. I very much was feeling the emotional state of that man in the cave.

Dolores asked, “Does that mean you are scared all the time?” I was describing having to be wary of the big tigers and bear-like creatures while outside looking for food. I told her I was not scared when I had food. I had the stones and cave to protect me. When I had food, “everything was wonderful.” I told her the big cats would sometimes try to come into the cave but I could find smaller spots within that would protect me because they were so big and could not get to me. She said, “Oh so you are smarter than the cats,” I said, “Oh I don’t know, they seem pretty smart to me.”

Dolores then asked about the others nearby. I described them as people from which I mostly shied away. They fought amongst themselves, “wasting so much energy” and they did not appreciate any of my new ideas about how to trap game or gather food in groups. The fighting was always about who was going to be “the leader.” I found the concept to be stupid and said, “Who cares about who the leader is as long as you bring home the food?”

The next thing that happened in the session is that Dolores moved me to “an important day,” and that day ended up to be the day of my death. I found myself on a narrow ledge with a steep drop to the bottom of a canyon. I was being chased there, and at first I was not sure by what or whom. I was wishing I had my “stick and vine” tool to help me get out of that pinch. I mentioned how the other beings thought me stupid to use these “tools” I was shown again how different I was, and why I did not fit in…Dolores tells me how she thinks the other ones are stupid because they don’t listen to how things might be done more effectively and efficiently.

It was then that the other people showed up on the ledge too. There was a group of them, many carrying spears, which were really just pointed sticks. They were walking toward me, pointing their sticks in a menacing way. They wanted me to jump off the ledge and kill myself. “Why do they want to do that?” Dolores asked. “Because I am trouble.” I answered, plus, they wanted to take my cave for themselves. They wanted me to jump because it was easier for them for me to kill myself than for them to do it themselves, but I would not give them the easy way out. “They are going to have to kill me,” I said. I remember looking at one very young boy at the back of the group. Meeting his eyes. He was being taught to hate and kill that which was not accepted as normal. They were encouraging this very young child to join them in stabbing me. The vision of the young boy made me infinitely sad. My life was only about trying to suggest ways to improve life for everyone, but the narrow-mindedness and petty egos of the others were unable to embrace new ways of thinking. Me, and my new ideas were being extinguished with violence, hatred and above all – fear.

They stabbed me with sharp sticks until I fell off the ledge. My consciousness left the caveman body even before it hit the floor of the canyon. Dolores asked me if I could see it. I said, “Yes, it’s on the ground near the water.” I almost chuckled at this point. “Well, someone is going to eat today.” I peered at the broken and lifeless form below.

Dolores was asking me about the people who killed me. “How do you feel about what they did?” I told her I felt sorry for them. “You are not angry?” I told her they were not evolved. They did not have the capacity for growing and learning. They just were not ready. Dolores then asked about my life’s lesson and purpose. I told her I would not fight, I would not be ignorant like the others, even if I had to die early. I would follow my heart and my truth, try to help others and accept myself as being different. I tried my very best to co-exist with the unevolved others and help them.

The theme for that life is one I have focused on for many lifetimes including this one! Happily I have many friends and family who fully support me in my current life and are quite highly evolved humans.

It was a hard life for the caveman, as he was focused on basic survival. When Dolores asked my “subconscious” (or my Higher Self or Soul Self, abbreviated to SC) why I was shown this life, what relevance did it have on my current life? The answers were that the hard experiences were the ones with the most valuable lessons and that I had a great imagination and that my imagination would take me far in this life too. I was told that I was quite different from other people then, as well as now, and being different “forges a path for others even when they do not see it.” I was told it was a “given” that in every life I would ever experience I would be this: Different from others. Dolores asked “How is she different?”

I remember the answer and information then being…somewhat censored and simplified and even narrowed. My SC did say that it had to do with the time we were in, the energetics of the planet and my particular physical form that was so sensitive that is was being affected far more than other bodies. Also that it was very new information and not quite ready to be released. I am only now, more than seven years later beginning to understand just exactly what that means.

I was told I almost always picked very hard lives and that I am “progressing rapidly.” My SC told me to spend more time outside- more time with my horses and to stop working so hard. I have to smile as I write that. I am still very busy, in some ways busier than ever. That advice, I am sure, remains applicable to today!

Dolores spent a long time bargaining and asking for the SC to help heal my body so that I could be healthy and in balance. I was told over and over again that my physical body was unlike most human physical bodies on earth and this healing was not as simple “as it usually is.” I was told I was one of the very few “with this particular frequency” who were even able to bear living children. (I had two high risk and pregnancies where I was hospitalized for weeks and months on end, but bore two beautiful and healthy children who are thriving young adults today.)

I was supposed to help with the transition of humankind. Both into the new vibratory levels of the New Earth and also with those who leave their physicality and pass into the next plane of existence. “After death communication” and expressing the “beauty” that can and does exist in death was emphasized. I was told to create all manner of projects to assist with these concepts and to continue to write, write, write.

I was admonished for being too often connected to “electrical devices” and not spending enough time outdoors. The balance between working indoors on devices and being outdoors and recharging health was off. I was encouraged to move more oxygen through my lungs and spend more time with the horses, the dogs and with nature. Dolores then said, it was time to end the session and asked the SC if they had any final message it wanted to give me. They said, “Yes. Your hard work and your effort is being acknowledged. It is a good thing, and we are proud of you.” Dolores then ended by saying, “I really appreciate you helping her. I do. I understand her. I understand where she is coming from. I’m happy you were able to help.”

And that was the end of the session.

One of the first things Dolores asked me when I sat up was if I remembered anything. I said, “Yes. I remember it all.” She laughed and said, I probably just thought that I did, but I did in fact remember every bit of what happened. Now, she was correct that some of the details did begin to fade, but for me that was not for a long while. By the time I received my cassette in the mail, however, I had forgotten quite a few small details and some bigger ones too.

Dolores mentioned that the next three days of my life might be very interesting indeed, that often one remains “open” to downloads and information and other super-normal experiences. She was not kidding. The very next day on the drive home to Texas I literally slipped into some sort of a time warp. I won’t make this article any longer by focusing on the details of what happened that next day but let’s just say I ate breakfast in a diner off of route 40 in western Arkansas that absolutely did not exist in 2008! Another story for another day…

So, did the session change my life? Absolutely. My body pain did not disappear immediately, but I found myself more comfortable very soon indeed and by the time 4 months or so had passed, and I was on my new path practicing Dolores’ method with others, and also asking for SC assistance, I did improve and soon the all-over pain that used to plague my every waking day, simply vanished.

I have been practicing Dolores’ method of Past Life Regression now called Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) for more than 7 years. Dolores gave me permission to create and manage her official and professional online support Forum for all practitioners in December of 2008 and I continue to do so even to this day. We have helped countless other practitioners all around the world. Before her death in late 2014, I was blessed and honored to assist her teaching in her live QHHT classes in Arkansas for several years.

The amazing thing about Dolores Cannon is that even though she is not physical in our 3rd dimension, she is more alive than ever in the world of QHHT! She makes herself known to practitioners, students, clients and even her fans in sessions, intuitions, dreams and more and she is still teaching her method via video tape online. And wouldn’t you know that she would? After nearly 50 years of communicating across time and space with countless people and other beings from the past and future and other worlds, she remains a Master teacher and in communication with those who are still here on the planet and still hard at work uncovering lost knowledge and discovering new knowledge and assisting others to recover their health and create happiness and learn their purpose in life. I am honored to be one of the thousands of living legacies to her work.

(Please stay tuned as I will be releasing audio of this session very soon! I will edit this article archive to contain the link when I finish that project. It will certainly be on my Youtube channel but I may begin by initially presenting it on my New Earth Journey BBS radio show. If you’ve ever wanted to hear Dolores Cannon in an actual regression session, this will be your chance.)

I am also proud to announce the creation of yet another new project to help assist humans in this rapidly changing world of transition! Debuting this coming Friday, September 18 on the radio network will be a brand new show that will have its very foundation based upon Dolores Cannon’s work and discoveries. Quantum Healing with Candace will focus on humankind’s new understanding and acceptance of the Quantum world and the role that consciousness plays in shaping both our individual and collective reality. Guests will include friends and colleagues, QHHT Practitioners from around the world who will share their stories of miraculous healings and convoluted information. We will also broaden our understanding of this infinitely fascinating subject by talking with others such as healers, shaman, clergy, authors, teachers, scientists, medical professionals and more! Please join us.

Permission to share this blog article is granted as long as all of the information and links remain intact and unchanged. Copyright 2015 Candace Craw-Goldman

Posted in Dolores Cannon, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Regression, reincarnation | Tagged , , , , , | 8 Comments

The Professional Victim

The term keeps running  through my head.

The Urban Dictionary defines the professional victim as: Someone who (usually falsely) claims victimization any time things don’t go their way. Everywhere this person goes, they believe someone is taking advantage of them. This person has many many stories of The Man keeping them down, numerous abuse incidents throughout their childhood and adolescence and adulthood. This person will regale you with stories of their failures as a result of someone other than themselves. It’s never their fault, in whole or in part. Life just isn’t fair for these people.

Thank goodness I have very few professional victims (PVs) in my life. Happily my personal life and circumstance just naturally are not a match to this type of energy. Rarely I might have a client who may be described this way, but most people who can be described as PV’s usually don’t seek self-help modalities such as QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis), because of course, everything that is wrong in their world, they perceive as the fault of others.

Matt Kahn has a great video out where he talks about this.

“Victimhood is not a matter of what happens to you.  It’s not a matter of if people are nice to you  or not, it’s not a matter of if people listen to you or not, it’s not a matter of if people are respectful to you or not.”

“Now as I say in a lot of videos, and as I say every time I teach… because every time I teach I always want to offer you the most groundbreaking but socially responsible teachings in existence.  I never want you to take what I teach and think that it’s an excuse to stay in abusive relationships.  So if you’re in a situation where you’re continuously physically abused, it might be a sign to put yourself in a better circumstance where you can be respected.”

“I’m talking about on a social level where you go to work, or you’re with certain friends, and, you know, with people in the world and you have to learn to energetically hold your vibration.  And just start to see that the world you see that you’re afraid of is only as scary as your ability to be shut down by their powerful energy of negativity. “

That last paragraph is pure gold. There are two very powerful concepts here to not only understand on an intellectual level but to align with and form and manifest your world proactively with these ideas in mind.

“…you have to learn to energetically hold your vibration.” This is not always easy, but it is extremely important. If you can hold your higher vibration, if you can remember that you are not defined by another person’s opinion or reaction, you will not be affected by other people’s ridiculous rants or drama. According to Matt, this is an energetic “game” that humans play every single day. The PV has some well developed and confident energetic muscles. Heart-centered people, in general, haven’t fully grasped what it means to be confident energetically like this when confronted with extreme negativity. There are strategies that can diffuse the situation, but usually trying to change the PV on the spot is not going to work. Keeping your heart centered confidence and energy high and strong is possible. It takes some practice, but it can be done.

The last few words in that paragraph explain so brilliantly what is going on when you are faced with a PV. “ …the world you see that you’re afraid of is only as scary as your ability to be shut down by their powerful energy of negativity.”  The PVs in the world are extremely powerful. Those who are awakened are particularly aware of their energy because the simple fact that one is awake allows one to see and sense all kinds of energy! You can feel the power in their insults and judgements.

So what is one to do when faced with such a person? In most cases, as you raise your own vibration, many or even most of these people tend to fall away from your life. But there may be family members or certain situations where you will find you are still noticing a PV demanding something from you or simply erupting nearby. Well, then what? Remaining centered and as certain and strong as possible within your own being is always healthy. Then you might consider the following:

“And the way that we went off the rails in the old paradigm, that was the completely the wrong direction, was that the positive people were trying to convert the negative people.  Positive people don’t convert negative people.  Positive people are the ones that use their interactions with negative people to raise their own vibration, and in response the negative people will over time  begin to change.”

I’ve always loved the old Polish proverb “Not my circus, not my monkeys.” It helps one to remember not to align with or accept into your field or fuel the negative energy of PVs. It doesn’t help them for you to do so, and it certainly will not be helpful for you or your life. Arguing with or trying to change PVs almost always backfires and escalates the situation. Matt suggests a couple of  surprising responses in his full video below. I highly recommend you take the time to listen.

Remember that change always comes from the inside and angry and hurt people do not really become aware of their PV behavior until they after they are healed from it. Your considered, strong and confident heart based response to PVs can help to break the cycle of abuse and victimhood, and actually raise your own vibration as you do this. Matt explains how below.

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Integrating the Orion Archetypes (Part 2)

Authority, Control & Competition: Integrating the Orion Archetypes (Part 2)

This information is from Wendy Kennedy of Higher Frequencies.

As we mentioned last week, we will be sharing Light Codes to assist you with the upcoming energies of authority, control, and competition as you near the equinox and begin integrating these Orion archetypes. This week we focus on control. Once again, to work with the codes, we suggest sitting quietly with them several times a week or as you feel called to.

Control Code

The Orions spent many eons locked in the illusion of control. To move beyond it, it took the willingness of a brave and courageous few to step outside the norm, trusting in what their hearts and intuition were guiding them to do; relinquish the need for control.

Control can be obvious, or it can be one of the more subtle programs you all play out in your lives. It can come in many forms. As you gaze upon the code, acknowledge the places in your life that you are currently exerting control.

  • Do you seek to control how things manifest in your life and what form they take? Often times you may have a very fixed idea of what something is supposed to look like in your mind, only to miss an opportunity to experience the same vibrational essence in another form.
  • Do you try to control time? Many of you may feel you have to do things in a certain order and within a particular time frame. The universe seeks to support you in the most effective and efficient way possible. The manner and time frame in which this is accomplished may look very different to the ego’s schedule, which is rarely highly effective or efficient.
  • Are you seeking to control others, their beliefs or emotions? You may present information in a very controlled manor to illicit a particular response from another so that you may feel love, approval, safety, security or connection.
  • Are you trying to control a loved one’s behavior? You may seek to do so because you are projecting your own fears onto their potential experience.

As you continue to gaze upon the code, imagine a feeling of alignment and connection to the following:AllowanceInherent Safety & Security, Divine Knowing, and Trust.

The feeling state is an important step in the activation of the code. Some may find it difficult to connect with the feeling state with their eyes open. If this is the case, close your eyes and imagine the code in your mind’s eye until you become comfortable enough with the process to access the feeling state with your eyes open.

(Right click or control click to download)

Please feel free to share this code.  We simply ask you include a link back to Higher Frequencies and the instructions for working with the code along with the image.

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Integrating the Orion Archetypes – Part 1

Authority, Control & Competition: Integrating the Orion Archetypes (Part 1)

(This information is from Wendy Kennedy of Higher Frequencies)

As you near the fall equinox, more of the energy surrounding authority, control, and competition will begin to activate. This may be most notable in the areas of your military and police as well as your financial and political institutions. This is an opportunity for you at both the individual and the collective levels to integrate these energies. While authority, control, and competition are not unique to any one particular system in your galaxy, these are the dominant archetypes of the Orion system. The Orions explored these frequencies extensively, creating one of the most controlled and oppressed systems in your galaxy.

As you go through the process of ascension, the records and lessons of Orion are some of the last to be accessed. These records contain some of the greatest trauma of duality, and accessing them before you had released a fair amount of the pain of those same lessons on Earth would not have served you. You would have been overwhelmed. Humanity has now reached a point at which you have done enough integration that these records may now be accessed.

For the next three weeks we will be sharing a code for each of these three areas. To work with the codes, we suggest sitting quietly with them several times a week or as you feel called to.

Authority Code

As you gaze upon the code, imagine all the places in your life you have relinquished your authority. Sometimes this was done to avoid judgement. Other times to avoid responsibility, persecution, or pain. Whatever the illusionary reasoning, forgive yourself for not choosing to express your full Divinity. Forgive those who graciously stepped forward as Divine Beings of Light to play your authority figures so that you could explore the abdication of that responsibility.

In this time and in this space, I now forgive myself and all others for all perceived wrongdoings, known and unknown to me, in this lifetime and in all other lifetimes. I now choose to consciously author 100% of my experiences. And so it is.

As you continue to gaze upon the code, imagine a feeling of alignment and connection to the following: Empowerment,Creativity, and Limitlessness.

The feeling state is an important step in the activation of the code. Some may find it difficult to connect with the feeling state with their eyes open. If this is the case, close your eyes and imagine the code in your mind’s eye until you become comfortable enough with the process to access the feeling state with your eyes open.

(Right click or control click to download)

Please feel free to share this code.  We simply ask you include a link back to Higher Frequencies and the instructions for working with the code along with the image.

Posted in Are you AWAKE or ASLEEP, Messages | 1 Comment

A 5D Kitten Dream

A couple of Saturdays ago, first thing after waking up, I walked into our kitchen and told my husband Tom that I had an interesting dream I wanted to share. As I made coffee and as he began preparing the dogs’ and cats’ breakfast dishes I began to tell him about it.

In the dream I was in my parents’ home walking through their kitchen. Mid stride, without any warning or preparation I felt a contraction in my uterus. It was not painful but it was strong and as a mother of two children it was a very familiar sensation.  I was about to give birth! Immediately I felt something exit the birth canal of my body. I stopped, reached down and caught a small warm form near my knees before it could hit the floor.

I looked down as I lifted up the warm, moving being to see…a kitten! What? I was so surprised. It was not a newborn kitten but certainly also not a full grown cat. She was gorgeous. She had long hair and was multicolored in a way beyond what a calico cat or any colored cat I have ever known. She had white ears and tufts on the tips that immediately made me think of antennae. Her eyes were green, the same exact shade of green of my own and she held my gaze in a very deep way. I simply stood in the kitchen, and stared at her in wonder and surprise.

That was all I remembered of the dream but the feeling of the joy and surprise and excitement of the new little creature was still with me. I was beaming. Tom turned around from the 7 bowls of food he was preparing, and said, “No more cats.”

I laughed. As much as I adore cats, we absolutely have enough of them, both in the house and the barn, thank you very much. “This dream isn’t at all about cats,” I told him. “This is my Higher Self giving me a message about a new creation.”

Now anyone who knows me knows I am always creating! I am in the middle of many creative projects at any given time so exactly to what was being referred, I really did not know. What I did know what how the feeling of excitement and LOVE stayed with me. I do truly adore cats and the lovely multicolored feline seemed to just remain in my thoughts.

A few days later I found myself in my parent’s home caring for my elderly mother overnight. I was doing some work on my computer, including preparing for a New Earth Journey Radio show with Michelle Walling of We were messaging back and forth about the details. I had just mentioned our time limit, and how many things we could talk about when Michelle said, “HEY I just had a wonderful idea!! YOU should have an In5d show!”

And just like that, it all came together.

I was in my parent’s home, just in the middle of my workaday world, when something amazing was born and surprised the heck out of me.

I was thrilled enough to have Michelle be a guest on my own little show, let alone be asked to join the In5d family of writers and radio show hosts, but I readily accepted. Michelle Walling and Gregg Prescott of In5D have always been great supporters of the late Dolores Cannon, and I have been interested in preserving Dolores’ legacy and supporting all of those practitioners of QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis) who carry on with the Cannon Method since my own first class back in 2008.

“Quantum Healing with Candace” will debut September 18. The show will have its foundation in the work and method of Dolores Cannon. There are thousands of practitioners around the world who are facilitating amazing sessions of healing and consciousness exploration…there are endless stories to bring to the show and many friends and colleagues to ask to join me.

But there are others who are also working in this “Quantum” world who will help round out future show topics. More and more traditionally trained science and medical professionals including doctors, nurses, dentists, veterinarians and researchers are beginning to come on board with the idea of consciousness based healing. They have wonderful stories and information to share as well. And isn’t it about time that they do?!

I still have that kitten on my mind.

Not only was it born in my parent’s home, there are other symbolic references that I find compelling. First of all it was a kitten. I am pretty passionate about animals but particularly felines. So she represents passion. She was not newborn, but she was not an adult either. This to me means that as far as radio goes, I am not a newbie for sure, but I have not yet reached the adulthood of my potential on the airwaves. The kitten was female. I am female and we are all aware of the Divine Feminine returning and needing a voice. Her eyes were green, the same green as my own. She was a part of me. The little ears of the kitten, were white, a neutral color, perhaps indicating neutral listening, and the tufts on them really looked like antennae, which of course relates to the idea of radio. The multi-colored coat of the kitten to me represents other people, other cultures and other ideas. I envision “Quantum Healing with Candace” to present deep thinkers, writers, researchers, teachers and my own friends, and colleagues, both those who practice QHHT and those who do not, to inspire and assist in the healing of both Humanity and the planet, and maybe even beyond.

Permission to share this blog article is granted as long as all of the information and links remain intact and unchanged. Copyright 2015 Candace Craw-Goldman

Posted in Consciousness, Dolores Cannon, Health,, New Earth Journey Radio, qhht, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Quantum Healing with Candace | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments