Heart Pain? Vertigo? Wake up from sleep last night?

You are not alone. Consider that the sun may be affecting you more than mainstream science might suggest.

There are those who believe that the sun is not just a big ball of gaseous fire accidentally warming Earth so we may live. The sun is really very much more than that. And it is affecting humans in more profound ways that “traditional” science would have you believe.

Much of what is happening has to do with human evolution and the move away from our logical brain, and into our heart. You can absolutely feel this physically. Palpatations, pain, discomfort. Vertigo and restlessness too can be attributed to the energy from the sun. (Of course always check with your physician if you are concerned about new symptoms. But if he or she cannot find anything wrong, consider this idea.)

The sun is sending us information. Make no mistake about that.

(Thanks to Susan Kornacki at I.E.T Intelligent Emotional Truths for the link to the great video.)

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2 Responses to Heart Pain? Vertigo? Wake up from sleep last night?

  1. I am usually an excellent sleeper but not last night and had strange heart issues as well. Thought maybe it was the moon since it was so bright.

  2. Jaci Sivley says:

    Thanks for this Candace. I too had an extremely restless night – both last night and night before. That’s quite unusual for me. Haven’t had heart discomfort or heartburn, but have been doing considerable meditation involving heart energy.

    I truly appreciate how you stay so on-top of things and provide so much solid and important information and support.

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